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Posts posted by johnthepink

  1. Each Basecamp "organization" or "company" that you're a part of as a unique ID. You can find this number just to the right of the URL in your browser: https://basecamp.com/xxxxxxx. The x's represent the number you want. If you are on a project page, the URL will be https://basecamp.com/xxxxxxx/projects/yyyyyyy. The x's are still the number you want.


    If you are a part of several organizations, then you will have to find each organization's ID and assign them to "basecamp_company_ids" as comma separated: basecamp_company_ids=xxxxxxx,xxxxxxx,xxxxxxx.


    Does that help? I'd be happy to help if you have more questions. I will also add this tomorrow to the instructions to make it a little more clear. Thanks!

  2. Alfred 2 Basecamp Workflow



    Edit: 4/13/2016

    Basecamp 3 Support! Info here



    Provides easy access to Basecamp Projects inside Alfred 2. Allows you to quickly open a project in your default browser, or copy the url to the clipboard using "Cmd". This also supports multiple Basecamp organizations. This does not support Basecamp Classic.


    Find it on



    1. Right click on the “bc” Script Filter and click “Configure”.
    2. Fill out your Basecamp information. Note that if you belong to more than one organization, you can enter them separated by commas.
    3. Have fun.


    Please let me know if you have feedback, or send a pull request on Github. Thanks!

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