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Posts posted by Enhorn

  1. As far as I can see, this workflow works as intended with Spotify as well.


    By just adding com.spotify.client to the list of player identifiers, all workflow actions works with Spotify.

    def player_running?
      %w{com.apple.itunes com.swinsian.swinsian com.spotify.client}.each do |player|
        return player if %x{osascript -e 'get running of application id "#{player}"'}.chomp == 'true'
  2. Here comes the TestFlight workflow we all have been waiting for. :-)


    You can list your team members, invites (with invite status) and apps. (Apps require the Area 51 feature that can be enabled here).

    You can send an invitation to a given email directly from Alfred, and you can copy your API token.


    To setup after installation, right-click the workflow and select "Show in Finder".
    Open the file "login.sh".
    Enter your login info into the variables "USERNAME" and "PASSWORD".
  3. I found out why this didn't work for me.


    "printf $HOME" results in my home folder path with a trailing "%".

    If I changed the home path line to "$home = str_replace('%','',exec('printf $HOME'));" the workflow started to work for me.


    I use ZSH as my standard shell, perhaps that is whats causing it, because I get no trailing "%" when i start BASH and run the command through that.

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