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Everything posted by 2dois2be

  1. could you figure out what u explained the last, please? I am stuck with this for 4 days and not familar with JXA
  2. I don't know how to use "if statement" with either 'keydown' or 'keycode' in jxa. I just want you to check line no.6 in the code (the second script filter) #!/usr/bin/osascript -l JavaScript ObjC.import('stdlib') let events = Application("System Events") if (events.keyDown == "s") { Application("com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred").runTrigger("awesome", { inWorkflow: "com.alfredapp.zmes.theme", withArgument: "" }) } function run() { let theme_option = $.getenv('theme_option') let post_no = $.getenv('post_no') let sfItems = [] sfItems.push( { title: "Media", subtitle: "미디어", arg: "upload.php" }, { title: "Page", subtitle: "페이지", arg: "edit.php?post_type=page" }, { title: "CF7", subtitle: "컨택폼 7", arg: "admin.php?page=wpcf7" }, { title: "Plugin", subtitle: "플러그인", arg: "plugins.php" }, { title: "Theme", subtitle: "테마옵션", arg: `admin.php?page=${theme_option}` }, { title: "Landing", subtitle: "랜딩페이지", arg: `post.php?post=${post_no}&action=edit` }) return JSON.stringify({ items: sfItems }) }
  3. Amazing. You have figured out the problem! Thank you so much
  4. There are no my clips with clipboard hotkey that i've copied after updating to yosemite 10.10.2 Only snippets show up in the list with the hotkey
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