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Posts posted by bongobong

  1. There's an app called "Overflow" that I used to love. I used it for organising and categorising apps. Here's a screenshot: 





    For instance I can never remember what the best gif or icon maker was so I'd go into Workflow and check. Each time i'd download a new app I liked I'd add it to Overflow in two maybe three categories. 


    The only problem is that 

    1. It's not been updated in three years .

    2. When I would delete apps they would cease to show in app. (I'd rather at least the icons remained so I could know what to re-download)


    Is this something Alfred is capable of doing (with the icons and palette; not just a list). 


    any ideas where I'd start? 



  2. On 11/18/2021 at 7:25 AM, deanishe said:

    My personal preference would be to put snippets behind a separate keyword (e.g. ?snip), so they don’t overwhelm other results, and to use much richer metadata for searching. SQLite fulltext search seems a natural fit. Then you can bung absolutely everything in there (notes, workflow descriptions etc.) as long as you assign appropriately low priority.


    I don't suppose you could expand on how I might do this? I've looked up ?snip but can't really see how it helps me. Thank you. 


  3. Hi  @deanishe

    this script you made for me has proven but at some point along the way it stopped working. 

    I overcame on issue but changing "Alfred 4" to ""Alfred 5"

    But I'm having issues with permissions. I was wondering whether you'd be able to help. I've done a fair amount of troubleshooting but I'm afraid it's beyond me. 


    [12:12:38.678] Take and Move Screenshots[Hotkey] Processing complete
    [12:12:38.682] Take and Move Screenshots[Hotkey] Passing output '' to Run Script
    [12:12:39.908] Take and Move Screenshots[External] Processing complete
    [12:12:39.914] Take and Move Screenshots[External] Passing output '' to Script Filter
    [12:12:39.919] Take and Move Screenshots[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''
    [12:12:39.920] STDERR: Take and Move Screenshots[Run Script] screencapture: cannot write file to intended destination, /Users/james/Desktop/.temporary-screenshot.png
    [12:12:39.929] Take and Move Screenshots[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished
    [12:12:39.931] ERROR: Take and Move Screenshots[Script Filter] Code 126: /bin/bash: /Users/james/Dropbox/App Data & Settings/Alfred/Synced Preferences/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.14292099-49AA-4DE6-9850-8EBDEE4573D3/folders.py: Permission denied


    Here's the workflow 

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/phztefet8bmhfad/Take and Move Screenshots.alfredworkflow?dl=0



  4. 9 hours ago, Craigers said:

    I use Firefox while docked and Safari undocked (to save battery), and I was bothered that it was so difficult to sync bookmarks between browsers. Anyway I figured I'd use Safari as my "single source" bookmark system. Safari was an easy choice because it works well with Alfred and I can use Alfred to search and launch Safari bookmarks into my current default browser anyway (I use another workflow to change default browser instantly).

    Anyway, that's the background. I made a GUI script to take the URL from the front window, open it in Safari and then bookmark to a specified folder. If the folder doesn't exist it will create one at the root (if it finds a nested folder it will target that). If Safari is already open it will just take that URL and proceed. It's a bit "hacky" because it uses the GUI and you'll see a few popups flash for a second. It seems to work very well though.

    If you're interested I can make the script more "public friendly" and share it. I've never shared an Alfred workflow so don't expect something fantastic.

    Ideally I'd write an application which could make edits to the Safari bookmark files in the system library without the user seeing anything change on screen. After a quick look at what's involved it's a bit beyond me at this stage! I could probably manage it, but it would take a long time. 

    At any rate, what I have at the moment should do what you need it to do and it's snappy enough. 

    Wow that sounds like EXACTLY what I want. 

    Will it auto-fill a bookmark folder as i start typing? Else I could see myself ending up with a bunch of bookmark folders; "Forum" & "Forums" & "Forum Stuff" etc. 


    Yes please do share it. It would be amazing. I'm glad you had the same problem with Safari I did!


  5. On 9/20/2021 at 9:31 PM, deanishe said:

     I don't think you're getting that far. The way you're trying to join the URL is all wrong. It needs to be:


    set myVariable to "some string" & someVariable & "another string"


    You forgot the & signs.


    As regards URL-encoding: AppleScript can't do it. Unless you can find a function someone has written, you'll need to use a different language for that.

    Thanks Deanishe. Will try and fix. 

  6. set inputStr to "{query}"
    set my text item delimiters to " :"
    set taskName to first text item of inputStr
    set listName to last text item of inputStr
    set urlScheme to "twodo://x-callback-url/add?task="taskname"&forList="ListName"
    tell application "System Events"
    	open location urlScheme
    end tell



    I realise there are myriad problems with this but I'm trying to understand why. 

    I'm trying to get a list name into 2do but I think I'm having a problem with url encoding. 

    I tried various things (turning the result back into a query and passing that query on to the browser search feature in Alfred etc. 

    What am I doing wrong?


  7. I've tried searching but it seems a lot of the stuff broke when Safari updated. Any ideas? I just want to be able to add a folder: frequently I go to bookmark something and there isn't a folder for it so I just end up adding it to misc which gets lost. 

    It's a pain to come out of the bookmark pane, go into bookmarks and create a nested folder, come out and then bookmark the page. 


  8. I'm trying to make a script that opens the amazon url I'm currently on (in safari or chrome) and open it in Fakespot. 


    I got as far as 


    on alfred_script(q)
    tell application "Safari" to return URL of front document
    end alfred_script


    And then added a {query} but here's where I get stuck because Fakespot turns the URL into a different one and I don't know how. 


    When I go to Fakespot and paste in 




    The address it sends me to is 




    And that detail isn't in the amazon URL so I don't know how to find it. 


    Any ideas on how I might achieve this short of doing a copy and paste into the fakespot field? 



  9. I'm wondering whether Alfred is capable of task timing and popping up notifications that tell me to move onto the next task or given me the option of extending my time. 

    I want to allot my waking hours to different projects and times I want to spend on them and then be told when the time is over and to move onto the next task. I'd like to keep the name of the task in the menu bar along with a countdown.  

    I've tried so many apps and none of them do what I want them to do. 

    Is Alfred capable of this? 

  10. Guys, this script stopped working for me a while ago; I'm wondering whether any of you can help it get working again. Is it working for you with the updated 2do? 


    Also, there appear to be a number of x-callback options now which I don't really know how to use at all! 


  11. Quite often I find myself in, say, Safari and wanting to close this window and open the same URL in Chrome and vice versa. 


    I used to have an Alfred workflow to swap the two; I would simply type in "swap" and it would close the browser tab and open it in the other app (the other depending on which one I activated it from). 


    I have since lost this workflow and I have no idea how I achieved it. Any ideas? Does anyone have the same workflow they could share? 



  12. WELL this is pretty cool. Latest version seems to have loads of options. Unfortunately, I lack entirely the skills to be able to utilise them. 



    v2.2.2 highlights:


    * Support for Mac OS 10.12 (Sierra)

    * The CMD+V (Paste) keyboard shortcut can be used on the task list to turn your clipboard contents into tasks. Each line of text copied will turn into a separate task. Works on both iPads and iPhones.
    Tip 1: Pasting when inside a Project / Checklist will add pasted tasks as sub-tasks.
    Tip 2: Pasting a nested list (using either a tab character or 4 spaces or more) will automatically turn it into a project with sub-tasks (provided you’re not in project view). E.g.:

    This will become a project
    containing a subtask
    and another one
    While this will become a normal task


    This version gives you more control over your stuff with new URL schemes. 

    1. Launch 2Do with a search keyword without having to create and save multiple smart lists for occasional searches
    twodo://x-callback-url/search?text=[some URL search text here]

    2. Paste text directly into 2Do from your favourite automation app:

    twodo://x-callback-url/paste?text=[some URL encoded text to convert into tasks]&inProject=[Title of project to paste into]&forList=

    Supply a URL encoded string as text and automate the process of moving stuff into 2Do!

    3. Five new parameters supported by twodo://x-callback-url/add

    - forParentTask: Supply the parent task’s unique identifier

    - picture: Provide a base64 encoded string, 2Do will convert it into an image and use that as the attachment.

    - audio: Provide a base64 encoded audio attachment

    - locations: Provide a comma separated list of locations

    - saveInClipboard: Can be 0 or 1. The newly added task’s unique identifier is saved into the clipboard for easier retrieval

    4. You can now obtain the internal unique identifier of a task. This can be used in conjunction with other supported URL schemes to create sub-tasks:
    twodo://x-callback-url/getTaskID?task=[known task’s title]&forList=[Containing List name]&saveInClipboard=[prompt-num:Save UID in Clipboard]

    Read more: 2doapp.com/kb/article/url-schemes.html


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