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Posts posted by AndreasB

  1. I'd say that it never will. Andrew tries to keep the size of Alfred small so that it keeps performing quickly. In order to do something like AJAX, he'd have to compile in all or part of a JS rendering engine (95% of which wouldn't apply to Alfred).


    What would you use the Ajax for with Alfred, anyway? Updating script filter results?


    Yeah. I'd simply like to call an API, get the data, and show them in the results.

    I used the Node.js workflow template previously, but I was stoked to see JS support in Alfred – but not very useful for me without the ability to call APIs.

  2. I updated my module to add more feature and update code to add default workflow file. You can just download it, import to Alfred, and start writing your workflow. More details are in here: https://github.com/giangvo/alfred-workflow-nodejs.


    Great! Any ideas on how to make a 'menu system', such as the Spotify Mini Player has? I've tried a few different techniques, but nothing that has ended up working...

  3. Thanks for making this! Since I mostly make Workflows for my own sake, I don't find it much of an hassle that Node doesn't come pre-installed on Macs. I guess if I am to publish my Workflows, it's not worse than having an installation of Node.js as a requirement to use the Workflow. 

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