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Posts posted by tamagoshi

  1. Well the good news is that it is related to Jungledisk, once killed no more hanging or delays. Regarding the 'sample process' output, I cant do this at exactly the same time as the alfred popup is hanging as the whole desktop freezes. I did however capture the output a few seconds afterwards - let me know if you would like to see it. However, this problem is definitely related to v2 as I have no problem running v1 with Jungledisk. Let me know how to proceed.


    Thanks Andrew!

  2. Is your home folder on a different drive? Also, do you have any slow or broken network devices?


    No, home folder is on boot drive. The only thing I can think of is that I use a dropbox like service called Jungledisk which allows me to connect to it via webdav. However, its mounted in /Volumes so I can't see how it would be affecting anything. Additionally, I have been using it for years and I had no problem on Alfred v1 or for the first week using Alfred v2. I've reverted back to v1 and everything is working well. Is there a debug log I can activate and send you?

  3. Over the last few days I've noticed that the Alfred popup hangs for a few seconds before I can enter a query. It hangs for the longest when I haven't used it for a while (around 10 mins). Once I've used it, It works normally for  the next minute or so before it starts hanging.


    Sometimes the window itself hangs before I can type text into it (I can see that its halfway loaded by its transparency)  and sometimes it hangs after i've typed a few chars and before the results come up.

    • I've tried rebooting, reinstalling and reindexing.
    • I've been using Alfred v1 for the last few hours and it does not do this.
    • Alfred v2 B137
    • OSX 10.8.2
  4. Global hotkeys are now part of the workflows. 


    What do you want to link your global hotkey to? Create a workflow, then choose a hotkey from the Triggers list in the top right + button and an action you want the hotkey to perform. Connect the two and you're done :)


    This is significantly more flexible than the v1 hotkeys, as the hotkey can trigger much more than just launching an app or file.


    Silly me, I should have worked that out! I agree its significantly more powerful, thanks Vero!

  5. To switch apps I mostly use Alfred to type in the first few chars of an apps name and every now and then I'll Alt-Tab. I switch between Sublime, Postbox, Chrome and Terminal at least a hundred times per day and I realize my method is pretty expensive (at least 4 keystrokes). Obviously assigning a global hotkey would be the most efficient but I already have problems with local and global shortcuts clashing. What do you more experienced users do (Im new to osx from Ubuntu) to switch apps as quickly as possible, am I missing anything?

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