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Help with having Alfred find a certain filetype

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I am wanting to be able to open a file called lftp.conf with Alfred but am having some issues.


The file is located the following way /usr/local/Cellar/lftp/4.7.7/etc/lftp.conf


I have added /usr/local/Cellar/ to Alfred's Search Scope, then done a reload


Under user-defined file type I have added *.conf


When I search though, I am not seeing the file


I made a copy of the file and moved it to Downloads and Alfred does see it, so perhaps it is the location?

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If Alfred is finding other files in /usr/local/Cellar, the problem is probably that no application on your system has defined a filetype for *.conf files.

You could create a dummy application that defines the filetype in its info.plist, but the simplest solution is probably to add an "lftp" Keyword to a workflow and connect it to an Open File action pointing at the lftp config file.


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