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Need help with my own url shortener droid.ws

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i run my own android url shortener and like to have an java output i can add to my other sites


site: http://droid.ws

api: http://droid.ws/api.php?url=


demo: http://droid.ws/api.php?url=http://droidtweak.com



any help will be great


This should be rather simple. Create a new workflow using, Templates->Keyword to Script to Notification. Set your keyword and titles appropriately, in the script, add...

shorturl=$(curl -s http://droid.ws/api.php?url={query})
echo $shorturl


Then in the notification, set your title and for the Text, put: {query}


Then one more step to make this a little nicer. Click the + in the top right of the workflow area, select Output->Copy to Clipboard. Double click it, in the big text box, put: {query}. Then mouse over your Run Script module, a little tab should appear on the right side, click that and drag it to your Copy to Clipboard output to connect them. Then all you would do is: keyword <url>

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This should be rather simple. Create a new workflow using, Templates->Keyword to Script to Notification. Set your keyword and titles appropriately, in the script, add...

shorturl=$(curl -s http://droid.ws/api.php?url={query})
echo $shorturl


Then in the notification, set your title and for the Text, put: {query}


Then one more step to make this a little nicer. Click the + in the top right of the workflow area, select Output->Copy to Clipboard. Double click it, in the big text box, put: {query}. Then mouse over your Run Script module, a little tab should appear on the right side, click that and drag it to your Copy to Clipboard output to connect them. Then all you would do is: keyword <url>



I see, should it look like this? im not a good coder



echo $shorturl
<input onclick = "this.select()" type = 'text' id = "shorturl" class="sturl_field span5" ><a class="btn btn-primary btn-large"><span id="flashbtn">Copy Me!</span></a>
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I see, should it look like this? im not a good coder



echo $shorturl
<input onclick = "this.select()" type = 'text' id = "shorturl" class="sturl_field span5" ><a class="btn btn-primary btn-large"><span id="flashbtn">Copy Me!</span></a>


No, no, the thing I was talking about making was creating a workflow inside of Alfred 2, and that's it. It was submit the url to your service, get the short url back, display it in a notification and copy it to the clipboard as well.


Assuming you have Alfred 2 and have the Powerpack, install the attached workflow. Pop up Alfred then type: short http://yahoo.com

Replace http://yahoo.com with any url that you want to create a short url of. It should show a notification of what the new link is, and it should be available in your clipboard to paste wherever you need it as well



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Just created this and seems to be working but needs to be cleaner looking, some how i cant add input code

working: http://stilv.com/test.php


function curPageURL() {
 $pageURL = 'http';
 if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";}
 $pageURL .= "://";
 if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
 } else {
 return $pageURL;

function droidwsURL($url) {

  $ch = curl_init();

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://droid.ws/api.php?url=".urlencode($url));
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

  $shorturl = curl_exec ($ch);
  curl_close ($ch);

  return $shorturl;



echo droidwsURL (curPageURL()); 
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Just created this and seems to be working but needs to be cleaner looking, some how i cant add input code

working: http://stilv.com/test.php


function curPageURL() {
 $pageURL = 'http';
 if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";}
 $pageURL .= "://";
 if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
 } else {
 return $pageURL;

function droidwsURL($url) {

  $ch = curl_init();

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://droid.ws/api.php?url=".urlencode($url));
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

  $shorturl = curl_exec ($ch);
  curl_close ($ch);

  return $shorturl;



echo droidwsURL (curPageURL()); 

If all you are doing is grabbing a short URL for the URL passed to the workflow, why don't you just use the workflow I posted to you before. That's EXACTLY what it does.

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