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Source Tree Workflow

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Posted (edited)

Alfred 2 Source Tree Workflow to list, search, and open Source Tree repositories in Alfred.


Web Link for a better view: http://zhaocai.github.com/alfred2-sourcetree-workflow


A. Keywords:

  1. st: List and query source tree repositories.

    Feedbacks are cached. use st ! {query} to refresh.

  2. stbookmark: Open query to source bookmark window.

B. Modifier Key

  1. ⌘ : Reveal in Finder
  2. alt : Browser in Alfred



Two ways are provided:

  1. You can download the Source Tree.alfredworkflow and import to Alfred 2. This method is suitable for regular users.

  2. You can git clone or fork this repository and use rake install and rake uninstall to install. Check rake -T for available tasks. This method create a symlink to the alfred workflow directory: "~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows". This method is suitable for developers.

Edited by zhaowu

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