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Can't give Alfred Full Disc Access

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Hi there,

New user here. I've just bought Alfred, but have fallen at the first hurdle. When I try to give it Full Disc Access, I click on the button and am taken to the correct section of settings but Alfred isn't on the list so I can't tick it. This means Alfred isn't actually searching my Mac when I try a search which makes it useless for my needs. 

Can anyone help? 


Thanks in advance. 

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@Cavan Scott Welcome to the forum :)


To add Alfred to the Full Disk Access, please follow these instructions:



You'll need to first click the padlock at the bottom and type in your user account password, so that macOS knows you are allowing these changes. 


Having said that, Alfred doesn't require Full Disk to search for files on your Mac, but rather to include Bookmarks, etc in your results.


If you're having issues with Alfred's indexed results, take a look at this guide if you're using macOS Monterey:



Or this one if you're on an older version of macOS:



Let me know how you get on!



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Click the "+" below the list of apps, and then navigate to Alfred and select it. It will then be added to the list and you can check the checkbox.


Good luck and have fun using Alfred. 🙂

Edited by MevetS
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@Cavan Scott As @MevetS said, click the [+] to add Alfred to the list, then check the box next to the Alfred row. 


As for Automation, macOS will automatically request it as and when needed by the features or workflow you're using - it's not possible to manually add Alfred to Automation preemptively. 


Hope this helps!



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