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Escape key doesn't close out Alfred Launchbar


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Often I've noticed that after I invoke Alfred with my keyboard shortcut and then try to close it by pressing the Escape key it does not close the launchbar. It persists on the screen unless I click outside of it. While Escape key occasionally works, more often than not, it doesn't. Any suggestions or solutions to address this issue? Thank you.


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Appreciate the help, I do have spotlight keyboard shortcut set to something else and turned off (unchecked):



Side note: as I was going through my other keyboard shortcuts, I unchecked turned off these Mission Control related ones:



This helped me with a completely different app called Altab. I couldn't figure out why Alttab wouldn't let me use left or right arrows to navigate my windows as I hold down ⌘. I noticed the escaping worked on Alfred right after, but shortly after the issue started back again like it does.


It's very strange how escape will work on Alfred sometimes but then decide to not work moments later 😕


Edited by ccsameer
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8 hours ago, ccsameer said:

This helped me with a completely different app called Altab


If you're using other keyboard modifier apps, I would highly recommend taking a look at those too. Quitting them temporarily to see what behaviour you get would be a useful next step, as these may be interfering in ways you're not expecting.

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