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File Type Search (search files of a specific file type)

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File Type Search

Alfred 5 workflow, which allows a filtered search for files of the selected file type.



Search for a file type via the ft keyword.



Press to select the file type.



Then search for a file with the set file type.


: Open the file.

+: Reveal in Finder.



1. Download latest release of File Type Search.alfredworkflow.

2. Install into Alfred by double-click.

3. Enjoy 😉





The keyword used to tauch the worfklow.


Interval for reloading system uti database

MacOS maintains a system wide database with Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) like `public.jpeg`. Some UTI are managed by the system/ Apple, some are registered by installed software. When triggering the workflow with the keyword, all identifiers are loaded into Alfred. Since the process of getting the systems uti database is pretty slow, this workflow will create a json file with the necessary information when the workflow is used for the first time. When the json database is deleted or the `Interval for reloading system uti database` is passed, the workflow will create a new json file.



This Workflow is heavily inspired by the Simple Folder Search and Dynamic File Search respectively.

The workflow icon is also based on these workflows.

There is an example for creating a workflow which only searches *.pdf files in the Alfred docs. However, the file type would be static then.

This workflow combines the both concepts so the file type can be set dynamically when using the workflow.

There is a similar workflow by Stephen_C, which lists all files with a given extension in a given folder. The files are not searchable though.



- Find a way to select multiple file types before searching.

- Insert option to select a folder as search scope.

- Optimize database download.


GitHub Repository


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