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tweak for Amazon suggestions

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I'm a new user of Alfred and already addicted!
I slowly enhance the experience via workflows and try to adjust to my personnal needs.
For example I love the Amazon Suggest but I'm in France and would like to personnalise the workflow to have suggestions from amazon.fr
Unfortunately, I can't get it to work, since it seems that the URL for the search engine is not exactly the same as the amazon.com
When I replace the search URL with this one:

$url = "http://www.amazon.fr/s?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=".urlencode( $in )."&tag=a2appw-21";

it seems to work, since it give me multiple suggestion, but the lines all display "Find"...


Any ideas on how to make this work?

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I'm a new user of Alfred and already addicted!

I slowly enhance the experience via workflows and try to adjust to my personnal needs.


For example I love the Amazon Suggest but I'm in France and would like to personnalise the workflow to have suggestions from amazon.fr

Unfortunately, I can't get it to work, since it seems that the URL for the search engine is not exactly the same as the amazon.com


When I replace the search URL with this one:

$url = "http://www.amazon.fr/s?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=".urlencode( $in )."&tag=a2appw-21";

it seems to work, since it give me multiple suggestion, but the lines all display "Find"...


Any ideas on how to make this work?


You don't have to change the url to get it to work for your location. Since it uses the default amazon search, you only need to set your location in the Alfred General Preferences (labeled "Where are you:"). If you set that location to France, then it should use amazon.fr 

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Well, thanks for the answer, after some more tests, it effectively shows somme suggestions from the french store but for some query, it can't find any suggestions although there are some on the site.

Strange.  :blink:


The suggestions I'm not sure about. I used a specific url to grab the suggestions and then when you press enter it should definitely go to the French version of the site.

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