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Find folder action

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It seems I cannot figure out how to filter out files from search results and show folders only, is it possible?


I have folders with music named by artist's name and files inside it named as "artist - title.mp3". In case I'd like to open whole folder in my music player I have to scroll down searching the folder (I may be out of luck if folder contains more than 40 songs in itself or in subfolders) or opening song in finder and navigating to upper folder which is not very handy.


Is there a way to find folders only?

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That should work, thank you. Shouldn't such kind of functionality be included in alfred itself and do not require installing special workflow?


This is the exact reason workflows exist! So that you can configure Alfred to filter in any way you like, for your specific purpose.


In fact, the file folder one is a built in example under the [+] button in the Workflow prefs :)

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