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Alfred Not finding Dropbox 1password keychain

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Hi there,


Im trying to get alfred to recognise my 1password 4 keychain but even when i add the location by dropping it on the advanced field in 1password it still can not find it?


I have 3rd party apps integration switched on in 1password.  Is there anything else i need to do to make it work?

See screen print.  







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Hi there,


Im trying to get alfred to recognise my 1password 4 keychain but even when i add the location by dropping it on the advanced field in 1password it still can not find it?


I have 3rd party apps integration switched on in 1password.  Is there anything else i need to do to make it work?

See screen print.  







For 1Password 4, you need to have 'discover automatically' ticked as this will make Alfred use the 1Password integration file.


Could you open Terminal.app and type the following item to make sure 1Password is exporting the 3rd party integration:


ls -la ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/3rd\ Party\ Integration/


We should see a file called bookmarks-default.json


If we don't, 1Password isn't correctly creating this file for Alfred to integrate with. Try restarting your Mac, un-ticking and re-ticking the 3rd party integration. When this has happened in the past, a user suggested that reinstalling 1Password fixed the issue.


Let me know how you get on :)




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