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How to remove sticky app icon on search bar

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Today, after opening Microsoft Word in Alfred, I noticed that it had placed a small Word shortcut on my menu bar. I perused all the settings and could not find out what I had accidentally done to add the icon to the menu bar. Ended up having to restart Alfred and the icon disappeared. What setting do I need to change or what action did I perform to cause this?


Here is an image of what I'm talking about:



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OPT + LEFT ARROW will remove the item from the file buffer:

FYI: Open Alfred Prefs and click on "Features" then on "File Search" then on the right click on the "Buffer" tab, and it will give you the options for the Buffer and also show you all the shortcuts.

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Today, after opening Microsoft Word in Alfred, I noticed that it had placed a small Word shortcut on my menu bar. I perused all the settings and could not find out what I had accidentally done to add the icon to the menu bar. Ended up having to restart Alfred and the icon disappeared. What setting do I need to change or what action did I perform to cause this?


Here is an image of what I'm talking about:




Looks like you've already had a good answer, but if you want to learn more about Alfred's File Buffer, have a look at this page:




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