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View your favorite baseball teams score

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This is v1 of a workflow that accesses gameday information and pulls in the game data for a specified team. Depending on the status of the game it will return different information. I'll be working to tweak this more as I figure out the limitations of how much information Alfred can display.


Syntax: bb {query}


It searches the teams based on MLB's abbreviations scheme, so Yankees are 'NYY' and Giants are 'SF'.


This is using deanishe's workflow library and I'm very thankful for it, since it's given me a new project to work on.


It was built on v2.7 of Python and there should not be a need to install additional libraries*. If for some reason it's asking for libraries please let me know and I'll install them directly to the workflow folder.










* Basing this on the standard library documentation https://docs.python.org/2/library/

Edited by frankspin
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