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Nike Plus Running: browse your Nike+ running statistics

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Alfred Nike Plus Running


This is an Alfred Workflow to browse your Nike Plus statistics and running activities.



  • Hotkey to trigger the workflow
  • Update of activities directly from the workflow
  • Browse by Year/Month
  • Auto-Updater: it checks once per day and download automatically the new version


  • Check for workflow update
  • Use Miles instead of KM
  • Install/Refresh of the library


The workflow checks for update once per day, if an update is available, it will download the new version in your Downloads folder.

Note that you can also force a check for update in Settings section


Download the workflow on Packal


Edited by vdesabou
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thanks so much for making this, this will help keep more more on track with my running. 

I'm having an issue viewing anything other than the "home" library. If I try to look at anything else other than the first menu, it quits running the workflow and my default search suggestions pop up. I just want to switch to miles instead of km. Anything I should be doing? Thanks

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thanks so much for making this, this will help keep more more on track with my running. 

I'm having an issue viewing anything other than the "home" library. If I try to look at anything else other than the first menu, it quits running the workflow and my default search suggestions pop up. I just want to switch to miles instead of km. Anything I should be doing? Thanks


Can you open an issue here https://github.com/vdesabou/alfred-nike-plus/issues I will try to help from there.

Also can you share the output of Alfred Debug window when you navigate into menus:



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