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Local - Master the art of hosting locally.

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Introducing Local v.1

Local will assist you in your efforts to master the art of hosting locally.

Local can

  • Start your local host (MAMP by default)
  • Stop your local host
  • Open any htdocs directory you pass it in your favorite code editor (Atom by default)
  • Open any htdocs directory in your default browser
  • Open any htdocs directory in your finder
  • Open a terminal and CD into any htdocs directory
  • Create a new HTML5 BP project for you (complete with repo and initial commit)

Local will

  • Harass you (only a little)

Here is a list of some of my favorite local tasks

Local Create

Local Open

Local Edit

Local Show

Local Delete


While local is a pretty simple Alfred workflow, there are a few things it needs in order to work correctly.

  • A local host (MAMP by default)
  • A code editor that is executable from the shell (Atom by default)
  • Rails (Local uses bower to create a new HTMLBP project)
  • Bower
  • Git (Local uses git to initialize a repo and create an initial commit when creating a new project)
  • And of course, Alfred

Also don't forget to check it out, or fork it on Github!

Edited by jamesabels
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