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Alfred 2 Ruby Framework for workflows

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I've started work on a workflow bundle that I intend to use as a base for other scripting workflows. The language I'm most proficient in is Ruby, so I've taken the liberty of creating this for myself and others to use when developing in Ruby.




  • Shows exceptions and debug output in the Mac OS X Console
  • Adds a ruby gems repository to the workflow bundle so you can package gems with your workflow.
  • Provides access to the workflow bundle's info.plist data
  • Provides sqlite3 gem

It's incomplete, but I wanted to get feedback from others as soon as possible. For example, I've added a compiled sqlite3 gem in as part of the gem repository. Does this work across Mac systems? i.e. if you install the workflow, do you get sqlite3 support out-of-the-box?


To get started:


Copy the init.rb.example file into your script window (e.g. Run Script action). Choose /usr/bin/ruby as the script language. The contents of init.rb.example is some "bootstrap" ruby code that takes great care to catch all exceptions and send them to the Console.app so you can debug your scripts.


Copy alfred.rb and main.rb to your bundle. Also copy ruby-1.8 and its subdirectories. This is the gem repo that will let you install gems as part of the bundle for others to use.




Duane Johnson


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