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Chrome Apps are indexed by the app's hash id


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I installed Google Keep as a Chrome App. The apps from Chrome now installed under:


    /Users/{username}/Applications/Chrome Apps.localized


With path like this:


     /Users/jesse/Applications/Chrome Apps.localized/Default bhmicilclplefnflapjmnngmkkkkpfad.app



The filename with a random hash "Default bhmicilclplefnflapjmnngmkkkkpfad.app" is indexes in Alfred, but the actually app name display to user is localized.


Now when I want to search something, if the letters I typed matched the hash ID of the app, it shows as a match:




Which is quite annoying. Because I use Google Keep quite a lot, then it stays at the first place, but every time I type "de.."(define), I actually want to use the dictionary.


Could Alfred try index the App on the localized name, or provide the option to exclude some directories/specific app from file search?

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I installed Google Keep as a Chrome App. The apps from Chrome now installed under:


    /Users/{username}/Applications/Chrome Apps.localized


With path like this:


     /Users/jesse/Applications/Chrome Apps.localized/Default bhmicilclplefnflapjmnngmkkkkpfad.app


The filename with a random hash "Default bhmicilclplefnflapjmnngmkkkkpfad.app" is indexes in Alfred, but the actually app name display to user is localized.

Now when I want to search something, if the letters I typed matched the hash ID of the app, it shows as a match:

Which is quite annoying. Because I use Google Keep quite a lot, then it stays at the first place, but every time I type "de.."(define), I actually want to use the dictionary.

Could Alfred try index the App on the localized name, or provide the option to exclude some directories/specific app from file search?


Alfred shows this name because Google must include it as the Chrome app's alternative name in the metadata.  


The best way to deal with this is to create a workflow with a "keyword" input connected to a "Launch Apps/Files" action. Drag your Google Keep Chrome app in as the app to be launched. If you've got more than one Chrome app, you can create keywords like that for each Chrome app within a single workflow.


You can then either put Google Keep itself or the whole Chrome Apps directory into the Spotlight Privacy tab so that future Chrome apps also don't appear for their alternative name.

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