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Alfred app with Powerpack Help

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I saw Alfred app tutorial thru David A. Cox youtube tutorial which made

me decide to buy thinking it will help me with my web bulletin . I was trying it

for the first time and could not remember which one, that prompted me to buy

the powerpack. - "Powerpack required"


I want to know what differentiates a plain Alfred app and the one

with powerpack, not knowing if I need it or maybe not. Is powerpack

designed for coding and/or computer programmers?


Thank you!

Edited by glow259
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I saw Alfred app tutorial thru David A. Cox youtube tutorial which made

me decide to buy thinking it will help me with my web bulletin . I was trying it

for the first time and could not remember which one, that prompted me to buy

the powerpack. - "Powerpack required"


I want to know what differentiates a plain Alfred app and the one

with powerpack, not knowing if I need it or maybe not. Is powerpack

designed for coding and/or computer programmers?


Thank you!


Hi there,


The Powerpack unlocks a wide range of more advanced features; Clipboard history, file navigation, theming and gives you the ability to use a wealth of workflows. You can read more about the features on the Powerpack page:



And you'll find more about each respective feature on the support site:



I've had a look in our system and it looks like you may have already purchased the Powerpack about a month ago. Please take a look at your emails for Powerpack details, or contact us if you can't find your license and I'll reissue it for you :)




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