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Everything posted by mbigras

  1. I just found the Sublime Text Workflow which is totally awesome, thanks so much deanishe! It lets you use a keyword and then searches for your "{query}" in some directories which you can specify in a config file. I'm trying to modify the workflow a little bit so I can use a hotkey to open a specific project in sublime. The workflow can be seen below: Opening up the .st script filter we can see the following: I'm still new to Alfred and to scripting in general but it looks to me like the author is piping the input the user types into the Alfred search bar (as represented by "{query}") into a python script that he wrote, sublime.py, and then running it using the python interpreter that's found at /usr/bin/python (please correct me if I'm missing something here). The python script then takes the query and does it's thing to open up the desired project in sublime. So I thought maybe I'd be able to make a hotkey trigger to perform an action: Run a Script and pass it a specific argument which would be a path to one particular project; however, I haven't gotten it to work, please see below: How would I go about doing this? Also as a side note, I'm really interested in learning more about python or ruby scripting get different programs to talk to Alfred and Sublime but I've honestly been having a pretty tough time finding a comprehensive guide to this sort of thing. I think it's because most of my searching ends up finding examples of how to use Sublime to write ruby/python code but what I want to do is use ruby and python code to write scripts that talk to Sublime and/or Alfred. So recommendations for good tutorials on effective python/ruby script writing specifically pertaining to Alfred and Sublime would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help
  2. when I use the the keyword "so" I almost always want my stack overflow web searches to come up except now my alfred launch bar is being polluted with other programs (see screenshot). Is it possible to make it so certain keywords favor specific web search/workflow results?
  3. When I use quit I want to quit all my program except fantastical. Is there some way that I can customize the quit command? Thanks for your help! Edit: The way to get around the "quit" command quitting out of fantastical is to use the user preferences to hide it from the dock, then running quite won't quite the entire program anymore and it will continue in the menu bar
  4. Hey Carlos-Sz, I just wanted to let you know about something else that has been happening. When you run ens when Evernote is not already running Evernote will automatically boot up (which is really cool) but what ends up happening is Alfred quits before you have a chance to type anything and then the Evernote client will pop up so then you need to run ens again. I think it would be great if Evernote booted up after the Alfred command gets run so you don't have to do it twice and experience the Evernote client jumping into focus. I made a video of this use case that shows what I'm talking about a little more clearly I think. Video showing ens causing Evernote to boot up and take focus Man, I'm not sure how to link to my video without you having to download it. So I understand if you don't want to download and watch it but the basic use case goes like if evernote isn't running and you run ens Alfred will quit before you have a chance to type anything else and then the Evernote client homepage will pop up. You then have to run ens again to be able to search for your note. I think it would be better if you could run ens when Evernote isn't running and finish typing your query and then after hitting enter have Alfred quit and Evernote boot up with the requested query loaded, if that's possible. One thing that I'm thinking is maybe you need evernote to be running in order to be able to display the notes in the dropdown menu (also totally cool). If this is the case do you think it would be possible to: run ens when Evernote isn't running, Alfred does not quit, Evernote boots up in the back ground, and then starts sending it's information over to Alfred so the drop down menu can be populated? Anyway, thanks for checking it out looking forward to hearing from you.
  5. Hey FroZen_X, Thanks so much! That helped me a lot! I changed the hot key to ctrl + cmd + m and the windows are coming up much faster It is definitely still noticeably slower though coming up then going down so I did some more experimenting with your second comment about changing from Run NSAppleScript to Run Script; however it didn't seem to make a difference in speed, also when I tried switching the hotkey back to shift + cmd + m it went back to going slow so it seems like the hot key does matter even if it's a different script, am I missing something here? Like to I need to write a script in a different language for the windows to come up more snappily and to be able to use shift in the hotkey? Anyways, thanks so much for your help so far
  6. Hello, Thanks for such an awesome program. Please see the attached video for a detailed description and the below scripts. Thanks for your help! video description applescript in editor: try tell application "System Events" to tell process "Dock" click (UI elements of list 1 where role description is "minimized window dock item") end tell end try applescript in alfred: on alfred_script(q) try tell application "System Events" to tell process "Dock" click (UI elements of list 1 where role description is "minimized window dock item") end tell end try end alfred_script
  7. Hello, Thanks for such a great idea! I'm trying to do two seemingly simple things but haven't been able to yet: 1. Create a note with custom text and a custom title in a specific notebook 2. Create a note with no text and a custom title in a specific notebook However I haven't been able to achieve these seemingly simple tasks. I've attached the raw text that I used to run my Alfred commands, as well as some screen shots to show what happened (please see attached images). Is this a bug or am I missing something? Running: OSX 10.11.4 Evernote Version 6.6.1 (453372 Direct) Alfred 2.8.3 Evernote Workflow 8.992 Raw Text: Goal1: Create a note with custom text and title in a specific notebook from the alfred. attempt1: enn @Alfred Demo custom text1 :Custom title1 attemp2: enn custom text2 @Alfred Demo :Custom title2 attempt3: typenote custom text3 @Alfred Demo :Custom title3 Goal2: Create an empty note to open in Evernote in a specific notebook with a custom title attemp1: enn @Alfred Demo :Custom title1 [enter] attempt2: enn @Alfred Demo :Custom title2 [ctrl + enter] attempt3: typenote @Alfred Demo :Custom title3 [enter] http://cl.ly/2S3C0X170A44 http://cl.ly/14130a113f2r
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