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Posts posted by akaralar

  1. Hey all,


    I made something for myself, I made it to replace https://github.com/ddjfreedom/recent-downloads-alfred-v2/ that I have been using for years. I wanted to have the same functionality for folders other than ~/Downloads, I wanted to have faster file listing, I wanted search to be case insensitive and I wanted to add the main directory as the first result. All these can be configured in the script filter by changing the arguments.


    Here is the link: https://github.com/akaralar/AlfredDirectoryLister

  2. I just want to +1 this. Have been a user close to 10 years maybe and in my opinion this is the only thing that is missing from Alfred. Images could expire, I have no problem with that but I think there should at least be an option to make text permanent.


    I have my terminal history for 10 years and it doesn't cause any problems in terms of size for me, and actually quite the contrary, it has proved to be useful too many times for me to expect this feature from a power user tool like Alfred. 


    I can't say how the implementation will work but I trust the judgment of the team here, they know how to make features performant. I'm sure there is a way to make this possible.


    I love Alfred, thanks for the great product, I genuinely wish we can see this feature in Alfred.

  3. I have been having issues with Alfred preferences window freezing and not opening. I have to force quit the process from Activity Monitor, quit Alfred completely, launch Alfred again and then I can open the preferences window. It works for a while and then the problem happens again. I haven't been able to nail down a pattern as to how it can be replicated, but the issue repeats.


    I'm observing two other issues and I think they might be related so I'm gonna report them here but if you need separate bug reports for them, I'll be happy to do so.


    1- In the workflows pane, when I try to filter by name, the preferences window freezes a bit (sometimes more than a bit) and then the filtering starts, but my filter string is erased randomly while I'm typing.

    2- When the computer restarts itself because of a problem, my Alfred preferences aren't loaded from their default location. I store them in Dropbox. As I understand it Alfred starts like a new install because my custom styling of the Alfred window isn't applied and my custom Alfred Hotkey isn't working. When I try to open preferences, the window freezes and I can't open preferences but I see the Dropbox refreshing logo in the menubar when I try to do so, so it might be interacting with Dropbox somehow. When I quit Alfred and launch again, it reads my preferences correctly. This is also reproducible but since it isn't easy to replicate computer starting itself because of a problem, I can't provide steps to reproduce.


    Alfred 5.1.1 [2138]

    macOS Ventura 13.4.1

    Dropbox v178.4.4811




  4. 19 hours ago, llityslife said:

    Let it follow the mouse point.


    That is my current setting, but it’s not enough. I’ll try to clarify with a better description of the issue:


    I have 2 screens, let’s call them screenC (C for coding) and screenD (D for documentation).


    I’m writing code, and my mouse is on screenC, and the app on screenC is the topmost app. I’m also looking at documentation while writing, and there is no focus there, just a browser open with the part I’m interested in.


    Let’s say at one moment I see something in screenD that I want to look up with Alfred. It can be a word I don’t know or something I want to search with a predefined search of mine or something with numbers that I want a quick calculator for… When I spawn Alfred it appears on screenC but I’m actually looking at screenD and that’s when I sometimes think the hotkey didn’t trigger and get confused. I need to turn my head to screenC again and then to screenD again, which is a hassle if I just needed Alfred for something quick like looking up a word. 


    You might think I’m exaggerating but I actually have 3 screens and the one in the middle is a 34” ultrawide so the headturns aren’t very small and can be disruptive to focus and flow. Also the fact that macOS has a secret setting for this and another utility app that’s meant to be used many times in a day added this shows that there’s at least some smoke to this fire.


    I encourage you to try the hidden macOS setting if you use cmd+tab switcher and use multiple monitors, it always appears where you’re looking at, and the fact it also appears on other screens is irrelevant since you’re not looking at those anyway. 


    Sorry for the lengthy response, I hope it makes some sense.

  5. in addition to the app switcher, another app that provides this functionality is https://contexts.co , which is an alternative to the macOS app switcher.


    Again, I don't think which screen Alfred appears on is important, what's important is it should appear on the screen I'm looking at. With a multi-monitor setup, the screen I'm looking at is not necessarily the screen where the focus is at. I might be coding on one screen and looking at the documentation on the other screen. The focus is of course on the code editor, but I might be looking at the documentation and want to look up something I don't know via Alfred. in this case I'm looking at the documentation screen but Alfred appears on the code editor screen, which makes me think, "ok why did not Alfred appear?" and I end up pressing the hotkey a few more times, only to understand it was appearing on another screen.


    When we take an action, it's ok for Alfred to take that action in the monitor with focus, but the search window is easier to notice when it's on all the screens.

  6. Hello, lately I've become aware of and started loving a hidden feature on macOS, where you can make the cmd+tab app switcher appear on all the connected monitors instead of only on the active screen, details here: https://superuser.com/questions/670252/cmdtab-app-switcher-is-on-the-wrong-monitor/1625752#1625752


    It would be great to have it on Alfred as well as an appearance setting. Instead of Alfred appearing only on one of the monitors, it could appear on all of them at once.


    I use 3 monitors and try to use the mouse as little as possible and the app sometimes throws me off by not appearing on the monitor I'm looking at. This would solve that once and for all.



  7. On 8/22/2019 at 7:23 PM, runaway said:

    It's not working in alfred4 because the directories in the "include.sh" doesn't exist anymore.



    Edit: I managed to make it work in Alfred 4.


    After installing the workflow, open it in finder to find where it was installed. Then edit the scripts to fix the old directories. Don't just copy and paste what posted here since the dir is dependent on your user account.




    EGGPREFS="/Users/<your account>/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.B8A3F635-78EA-479E-8EE1-6AEE187E68FC"


    EGGWD="/Users/<your account>/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/user.workflow.B8A3F635-78EA-479E-8EE1-6AEE187E68FC"


    I'm not sure if naming it the same as the workflow is necessary. But I made the folder in the Cache then edited the include.sh file. That's probably an unnecessary step since the first_install.sh has mkdir "$EGGWD" line in it.




    "/Users/<your account>/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.B8A3F635-78EA-479E-8EE1-6AEE187E68FC/version"


    a file called version will be created by the first_install.sh


    login_check.workflow - This will open in automator


    "/Users/<your account>/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.B8A3F635-78EA-479E-8EE1-6AEE187E68FC/eggwd.txt"


    eggwd.txt is again a file that will be created by first_install.sh


    I'm using dropbox to sync prefs between computers and the workflow folders seem to be residing there, as alfred directs me there when I want to see workflow files.


    So my question is: Do you use syncing? Should we assign the folders in dropbox  (ie.


     instead of

    ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/

    ) if we want to edit those files? Any ideas? 

  8. Hey acidham, i think you need xcode and swift also installed on your system right now. I'm working on a fix and post it here when I update the workflow!



    Not working at all. Whats wrong, any idea?

    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 5: dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
      Referenced from: /Users/me/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.AE4DAEB8-CFB6-42E3-BD2F-D13E764C6CFD/./safariSearch
      Reason: image not found
    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 5: dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
      Referenced from: /Users/me/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.AE4DAEB8-CFB6-42E3-BD2F-D13E764C6CFD/./safariSearch
      Reason: image not found
  9. # SafariHistorySearch

    Alfred workflow to search Safari history written in swift.
    `shs <SEARCH_TERMS>`
    Separate search terms with spaces if you want to search for more than one word. ie: 
    `shs github safari`
    Each word is searched separately. If you want to search for a phrase, 
    surround the phrase with double quotes, ie:  
    `shs "Alfred Workflow to Search Safari History"` 
    The results contain all search terms. This workflow searches the page url, page title and page body if available.
    I hope you like it!
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