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  1. Catalina is official released now, guess we should put bugs here. With catalina and latest alfred installed, recent documents of an app is not working, searched for an app, and then select reccent documents, pick an file but no window openned. If I launch alfred again and open that app, I will see previous selected file was openned. Or if the app is running before I tried to open a file from recent documents, it will be opened. I got following error from console: Oct 14 13:22:23 Leons-iMac com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.xpc.launchd.oneshot.0x10000016.OmniOutliner[15083]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by Alfred[526]
  2. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I am actually using v4.0.5 pre-release. And I confirm that checkbox was checked. Also reload the cache. But still get same result, check following screenshot
  3. After upgraded to Catalina, I noticed the applications were listed from "/System/Volumes/Data/Applications" instead of "/Applications". I tried "reload" command but no luck. Also reindex the whole mac still get same issue. I knew it's changes from underlying system of macOS. Anyway to workaround this? Or we need to wait for Alfred to fix this?
  4. After upgraded to v4 from v3, the application search results are very weird. Sometime the keyword won't return the correct result, such as I input Fork, it returned ForkLift, but Fork app is not listed. I input Sonos, the sonos app is not showed. I tried with Spotlight and it works fine. I tried to clean the application cache, and some are fixed, but still have this kind of issues with other terms. Do I need to rebuild the spotlight metadata?
  5. Wondering are you guys all get "Recent Documents" feature working? This feature has stopped working for me more than one year. I have contact the support and apparently he cannot help me out. I can view recent documents of an app if it's previously openned through Alfred, but Alfred cannot show recent documents of an app if it's not opened through Alfred. This is very frustrated. Just wondering if this is only happen to me?
  6. Same problem here, even with official mavericks and the latest alfred update
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