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Posts posted by GhostTheSavage

  1. 42 minutes ago, vitor said:


    That’s the fastest way to get the new version.



    No need. Try installing the new one, and the old one will be overwritten.



    Yes. Simply :downvidservices twice in Alfred. The first will offer to uninstall the ones you already have, and the second will install the updated ones.



    You’re welcome!



    Thank you for your detailed response. Very professional. I appreciate your time as this workflow has many uses. I haven't tried, but I assume I could download audio from a link? For example, a music link from SoundCloud.


    I need to research how to make workflows. I am currently learning python and I am wondering if I could practice the language by creating some workflows. Thanks again for everything, @vitor! Your hardwork is appreciated. The update works beautiful!


    Edit: There are applications out there that do exactly this but they cost an unnecessary amount of $$$. Yours is robust and gets the job done.

  2. 12 minutes ago, vitor said:


    Fixed macOS Services. At some point I made a change to how URLs are added for download, and forgot to update the Services accordingly (thank you @GhostTheSavage for the notice). Also made a small change as to how to install the Services. Now run :downvidservices instead, and it’ll detect if they’re already installed, offering to uninstall them if they are.

    To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days (15 or less) and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.



    So should I redownload the workflow? If so, should I delete my current version? Also, if I have already installed downvidservices the old way, should I uninstall and reinstall? Thanks for this update! @vitor

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