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Posts posted by nikipore

  1. Now I started two Python interpreters. Their process name is something like this (these are MacPort Python 2.6 interpreteres, just in case you wonder):


     8980 ttys001    0:00.02 /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python


    And it doesn't work. I haven't looked into your code, but since youre identifying all processes correctly, why don't you pass all process IDs to the arg and put the row-specific pid in the first position? Then the scripts should pretty much look the same, except that one loops over all pids, and the other only picks the first one. No issues with weird names whatsoever.

  2. Ok, merging sounds cool.


    I also believe that it makes more sense to migrate towards the cleaner API (which you seem to agree is alfred-python). Whenever you want to merge something into alfred-python yourself, please fork and make a pull request. If you wish I can also grant you write access (unless I'm unable to work out how that works 8-). Any non-Pythonic "mess" you produce will be cleaned up by me, I'm rather anal about that :-)


    As I said, the Keychain and Spotlight APIs are great, but not directly related to Alfred (or is it?) and IMHO therefore (following the single responsibility principle) should go to repositories of its own. We certainly may refer to these repositories in the alfred-python README to ease usage for developers. Recipes or links to workflow projects using the API would also be cool.


    If there is Alfred related stuff you want me to pull, just go ahead and tell me. Some things I already pulled myself, e.g., the prepending of uid's with the bundleid. (Although I'm not sure whether that's really necessary or Alfred has separate uid spaces per workflow @David: can you clarify that?)


    @David (if you read this): It would be great if you opened a sticky post about existing Alfred APIs in order to increase leverage.


  3. I had trouble wth some folders until I realized there were in fact symbolic links. Is your Desktop folder a folder or a symbolic link? If the latter is true, dragging a symlink to the file action should cure the problem.


    @David: Can you add the file type public.symlink to the file action? I haven't notices any problems so far.

  4. I've independently whipped up my own Python API (https://github.com/nikipore/alfred-python) before I was aware of yours. For not knowing Python, you did a great job (even if you knew Python better, that's pretty awesome work). Some suggestions though from someone who makes a living as a Pythonista:

    • The Feedback.py module alone has over 200 lines (compared to the <90 lines of alfred.py which deliver the full core API functionality). What's the added value of Feedback class over Item? The pythonic way is to just pass an iterable of Items to the result XML compiler and leave the organisation of Items to the user. For most usages, a simple generator or dict should suffice.
    • Your Item attribute getters and setters are very unconventional. Have you had a look at the Python property (a built-in concept for getters and setters)?
    • from ... import * is a bit of a Java thing and considered evil in Python because you lose control over your namespace.
    • Split out the non-core stuff into separate packages. The Keychain API is awesome and probably worth to become a 1st class PyPI member. (Meaning: you might wish to publish that as a PyPI package, cf. http://pythonhosted.org/an_example_pypi_project/index.html). It looks like a no-nonsense super-lightweight alternative to https://pypi.python.org/pypi/keyring. The same applies to the Spotlight search.
    • modules and packages should always be lowercase: Keychain.py -> keychain.py etc. Your main package doesn't have a name at all! (only implicitly via the GitHub project name PyAI).
    • Have a look at encodings! I haven't tested any of your workflows using PyAI, but I guess Umlauts and their kin will not faithfully arrive (in David's PHP API, they don't either). The trick is to normalize using unicodedata.normalize('NFC', s.decode('utf-8'))
    • Many functions do not really add value over direct access to the Python stdlib. E.g., the json.dumps/loads and plistlib stuff would be better off if you extracted the common path logic and leave the call of the stdlib functions (like json.dumps()) to the user.

    I'm not saying all that because I'm a know-it-all but rather because I think there should be just one Alfred API, and it should be very lightweight and concise and restrict itself to the single responsibility of communicating with Alfred and the workflow environment (access to standard paths etc.). When you've trimmed some fat (150 lines for the core functionality should be plenty), I'll happily migrate over to PyAI (if it then has a Pythonic name :-) If you're interested in sharing/merging with python-alfred, that's also cool.

  5. Cool! I've got a suggestion: When you're a heavy SSH user, it may become difficult to tell local Terminal windows and the various remote Terminal windows apart because they all have the same color theme. Plus, one sometimes wants to tunnel a port or three, or the target port isn't 22. For that reason, I establish my SSH sessions via .terminal files which I can also find via Alfred. These are basically .plist files with another file extension (this one I use to tunnel VNC access):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">
            <string>ssh me@somewhere.net -L5900:localhost:5900</string> 
    	<string>Terminal Settings</string>
    	<string>Window Settings</string>

    So what I'm suggesting is the following: Why not put a default.terminal template in the workflow folder having a tag


    <string>ssh %(address)s</string>


    Then write a copy of this file for each user and host to the non-volatile work folder and pass the file name to Alfred? Then, a user has various places to tweak the settings per connection.


    I can also implement that if you like.

  6. Hello everybody,


    I just got Alfred 2 today and I thought that the time has come to set an end to the scandalous situation that there is no access to Firefox bookmarks (screenshot):




    It's written in very basic Python. If anyone wants to join in, there are a couple of things one might do from here:

    • Quicksearch support
    • display Favicons - EDIT: done
    • better configurability (e.g. the place where places.db resides) - EDIT: done


    EDIT: In the meantime, I've mashed up an IMHO quite useful and generic Python module which takes care of the nuts and bolts of the Alfred API (encoding issues, working directories according to the Workflow Best Practices, plist parsing, XML result compilation, ...). If you wish to use or improve it:






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