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Posts posted by jin5354

  1. On 7/17/2018 at 5:49 AM, ymolodtsov said:

    I've just noticed strange behaviour: for some reason it doesn't really work for euro when I specifically type it. Works with any other currency I choose, but if it's 'cy 100 eur' there it just falls back to the usual Alfred search.


    Sorry, I tried but cannot reproduce this issue, 'cy 100 eur' works fine at version 1.4 on my laptop. 'Falls back to the usual Alfred search' may be caused by occasional failed API request, because of the unstable network, which should back to normal after a few seconds or just retap the command. If you can 100% reproduce this issue please report the steps to me, thank you.:)

  2. 6 minutes ago, vitor said:

    This looks really clean, and the “Last Updated” is a welcome touch. Questions:


    • How often are exchange rates updated?
    • When are they updated, in the Workflow’s life? Meaning, are they auto-updated before or after we make queries, or at specific times (when?), or does it use another method?
    • Where is the exchange rates info coming from?


    The info comes from Fixer.io, a free api where you can get exchange rates published by the European Central Bank. Fixed.io updates it's data daily around 4PM CET(actually not accurately, maybe some delay or advance). Everytime we make queries it'll send request to fixer.io to get latest data.


    I'll modify this workflow's extension later, thank you for your hint.:)




    I wrote a workflow in ruby to convert currency. Requires Alfred v3.


    Notice: The Old versions(v1.2-) api has been out of service at June 5, 2018. Please update to v1.3+ to keep using currency conversion feature.


    Github  Download




    1. Support 30+ currency units with fixer.io.
    2. Basic support for sign. e.g.,$,¥,£,etc.
    3. Customizable displayed currency units and base unit. Input once to get all result.




    1. Tap 'cy' to get latest exchange rates. Tap 'cy money' to get exchanged result. You can press enter to send the result to the clipboard.
    2. Tap 'add-cy', 'remove-cy' to customize displayed currency units. Tap 'base-cy' to set base currency unit.


    Hope you like it. :)


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