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Posts posted by alexreg

  1. 2 hours ago, Vero said:

    @alexreg I would guess that you're seeing this because you have a workflow that has a hard-coded reference to Alfred 2, causing it to be launched inadvertently.


    Check your workflows, as most will have more current Alfred 3 versions if created by other users. If they're your own workflows, you'll need to update the references. :)




    Thanks for the reply. Any for an easy way to check for hard-coded references? I have a number of workflows, so no idea just scanning them which might be the culprit!

  2. For some reason, Alfred 2 seems to be running in the background even when Alfred 3 is running. (Alfred 2 is not a startup item for my user, I double checked.)


    I notice this when I quit Alfred 3 and restart it (e.g. for an update), and it complains Alfred 2 is running.


    What's up with this?

  3. Hi Andrew,


    Thanks a lot for your reply. That makes sense to me...


    As it happens, I just found out what was causing the problem: I have a MacPorts version of bash installed, and its path is not a symlink... yet for some reason Terminal has a problem if you specify a custom shell and the path to it is not a symlink. It's not just Alfred it has problems with, but other utilities too. Anyway, the fix was easy enough, and is working well now. :)

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