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Posts posted by leefur

  1. Ah, right on, dysonant. The subtext can be important though (especially with many of the workflows), so I thought it best to leave it visible. But it's usually too long to really scan by eye all at once, so I liked hiding all but the selected's subtext. But for some people what you have will totally get 'er done.

  2. Hey Leefur,


    Great job with this theme man, one of the best I have seen since starting to use Alfred.


    Thanks dude. Let me know how it works for you, if you make any tweaks, etc.

  3. Downloads an HTML file, rather than the theme.


    Huh, weird. Thanks for pointing that out.


    I just reposted the files and re-set the links in the original post. I'll keep updates all up in that top post from now on. Everything uses CloudApp now, so it should work. Let me know if you run into issues.

  4. Is it possible to have a version that is a bit wider ?


    Edit: nvm ... I figured out how to do it my self :)


    Ah, okay cool. Let me know if I can help in some other way. Enjoy!

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