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Posts posted by Gee

  1. OK so after several tests.


    - Before triggering the shortcut would automatically paste my html code as plain text

    - Now : I have to trigger the shortcut AND THEN do a cmd+v to get that HTML pasted

    Not sure why I have tried all argument options : same result


    I have put a sample of what I am doing, and what i did before




  2. Hello, 


    I am a trouble with a custom workflow with is more like a clipboard thing

    Among many things I use Alfred to append predefined HTML structures .

    I made several clipboards using :

    Workflow > + > Templates > Clipboard > Paste as plain text from hotkey


    I had to restore my machine with Time Machine. Everything is perfectly working, all my custom web searches are here

    Yet those aren't working 

    I made sure Alfred has

    - Full disk access permissions

    - Files and Folders permissions

    - Accessibility permisisons

    I even uninstalled and reinstalled Alfred 

    It found the sync directory and all but still not Clipboard workflow, even when I create new ones, it does not work.

    If you have an idea of what is wrong...

    I haven't not trying purging completely Alfred - not sure how (it did  automatically identify my sync directory upon reinstall)

    Thank you very much

    Screenshot 2020-02-21 at 08.49.15.png

  3. 58 minutes ago, deanishe said:

    If you have a question regarding a specific workflow, please post it in that workflow's thread: that's where the people who can best answer your question are.


    If there isn't a thread, and more generally, you're not going to get a particularly useful answer—if any—if we can't run the actual workflow for ourselves. So please post a link to the workflow, not just screenshots of it.


    Without the workflow, all we can do is guess, which is a waste of everyone's time (including yours), and isn't going to get you a useful answer very quickly.


    The answer to your question is, "Yes, that's probably possible." But without the workflow, I can't give you a more useful answer than that.


    Thanks, i actually contacted the author and got an answer via DM. You can close that topic

  4. I wanted a workflow to add reminders. the one called "Reminders for Alfred 3" is quite popular but I'm thinking of using one called "Apple Reminders"

    It's a workflow divided into 4 steps

    1- add the name of the reminder

    2- add a date

    3- add a time

    4- add a list

    If you just press return, then there is no date, no time and it goes to the default list

    These actions are made in a static sequence

    Now most of the time I add a reminder to a specific list, but do not necessarily want to set up a time and date

    So the idea is to relocate the action "add a list" in the second position of this sequence in order to get something like

    1- add the name of the reminder

    3- add a list

    and type (3)enter, (4)enter


    In the screenshot below, the variable to choose a list is highlighted in blue. I want to place this action before the date. Is that possible? I tried right-clicking but i'm not quite sure what to choose afterward. i'm not even sure this is something that can be done without digging into the code.

    Thanks for your help



  5. EDIT below: screencast of the bug


    Hello everyone, 


    I discovered this great workflow a couple of days ago.

    Moving files and performing actions work great

    I do have an issue though.


    Out of curiosity, I tried to unmove a file back to the desktop.

    it correctly disappeared from the drawer folder but was nowhere to be seen afterward.

    - it was not on my desktop

    - it was not in the trash

    - it was not indexed by Alfred or Spotlight

    It just disappeared completely!


    I tried unlinking the desktop from the iCloud sync, thinking this might have caused a problem. And I tried again.

    I got the same result.


    I should add that I did not modify the path of the drawer folder, just invoking it with a custom command ('dsk' instead of 'drawer') that's about it.

    Is this unmoving a file working on your side?


    Edit : The unmoved file goes to Alfred's preferences, in a directory where the actual workflow is located

    See a short screencast below : 




  6. Hello, 


    Maybe I missed something, but here is what I would love to see.



    As I have several workflows installed, it gets more and more difficult to master them all. I simply do not remember all the possibilities offered by each of them. I always feel like I am missing lots of useful features.


    Suggested solution

    I believe it would be nice if Alfred could auto-build up a help feature for those workflows that I have customized and installed.


    How ?

    I'm thinking about typing a keyword like "workflows" in order to get a list of all the workflows that I have installed.

    When selecting one (eg. workflows >  Advanced Google Maps Search ), I would have a condensed help section  with all commands available

    (eg. keyword one=> description of the feature, keyword two=> description of the feature, keyword three => description of the feature etc...)

    Ideally, it would be smart enough to understand when I changed a default keyword to a custom one



    I am not a developer but this probably implies that workflow authors agree on a specific document that Alfred would automatically retrieve whenever the user types the initial keyword (workflows)


    Now maybe there is a workflow to master all other workflows like that. I don't know. If I missed something, let me know

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