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Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Yes, this is perfect. I've been able to modify the workflow for my needs. Thanks again @Vero
  2. Thanks @Vero I'll take a look. Appreciate the quick response.
  3. Hi, I'm trying to make a workflow that does the below but I am not sure how to achieve it. In short, I want to be able to add some text in Alfred and have it append this to a particular file. I'm just trying to make it easier to keep a project log. For this example, let's say that I have two projects that I am working on. Let's call the projects "apples" and "oranges". I'd like to be able to: Type 'log' into Alfred Enter a keyword to specify which project the entry relates to (e.g. "app" or "ora"). Then type some text. When I hit enter, I'd like the date and time to be prepended to the text I entered, then have everything added to the apples-log.md or oranges-log.md file. So, assuming that I have the apples-log.md file already created and stored in a specific directory, when I invoke Alfred and type "log app spoke with Frank and he confirmed that we should delete the database - backup of database stored on network drive under 'Frank's an idiot'..." the following should be added to the end of that .md file: <br /> 12/03/18 08:29am: spoke with Frank and he confirmed that we should delete the database - backup of database stored on network drive under 'Frank's an idiot'... <br /> Then later in the month, if I invoke Alfred and type "log app George called and is really pissed, apparently some idiot deleted the database... " the following should be added to the end of the apples-log.md file: <br /> 31/03/18 02:55pm: George called and is really pissed, apparently some idiot deleted the database... <br /> Does that make sense? It would also be great if I could type "log app", have the date and time added to the log-apples.txt file and then have the log-apples.txt file open so that I can type a longer entry, but this isn't essential. I'd really appreciate some help with this. Happy to pay someone for their time to get this setup. Thank you.
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