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Everything posted by surrealroad

  1. I have a workflow that uses a file action, that passes the file to a "Run Script" action. The run script generates XML output for feedback to show in Alfred: <?xml version="1.0"?><items><item uid="metadata-completename" arg="/Users/jack/Downloaded Media/shiveringhope07.jpeg" type="file" valid="yes"><title>Complete name</title><subtitle>/Users/jack/Downloaded Media/shiveringhope07.jpeg</subtitle></item><item uid="metadata-format" arg="JPEG" type="file" valid="yes"><title>Format</title><subtitle>JPEG</subtitle></item><item uid="metadata-filesize" arg="33.1 KiB" type="file" valid="yes"><title>File size</title><subtitle>33.1 KiB</subtitle></item><item uid="metadata-width" arg="650 pixels" type="file" valid="yes"><title>Width</title><subtitle>650 pixels</subtitle></item><item uid="metadata-height" arg="300 pixels" type="file" valid="yes"><title>Height</title><subtitle>300 pixels</subtitle></item></items> However, this feedback never shows.
  2. Good idea! See the latest version.
  3. Here's another variant on the current date / timestamp workflows. Type "date" into Alfred to paste: Monday, 18 March 2013 into the current document. http://bit.ly/2iZ7W7D Changelog: Tuesday, 19 March 2013 – Now also shows the date within Alfred
  4. I have trouble remembering the format of several Wordpress shortcodes that I use quite often, so I made an Alfred extension for it. In case it's of any use to anyone else, here it is. What it does It will paste a sample Wordpress shortcode into the current document/browser window. Note: I haven't explored the new workflow options enough to know if it would be possible to take the input from Alfred, but if I can figure that out (or someone gives me some pointers), I'll update this workflow. How to use it To use, type "wp service-name" into Alfred, for example wp soundcloud will paste an example [soundCloud] shortcode: [soundcloud params="auto_play=true&show_comments=false" url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/207988" iframe="true"] I've included most of the "stock" short codes available with Wordpress, but you'll get the most benefit out of this if you add your own (I've tried to keep the process for doing so as simple as possible). Adding new shortcodes To add a new shortcode, edit the file "shortcodes.php" in the workflow's folder and add a line such as: $shortcodes[]=array("title"=>"My Shortcode", "description"=>"do something awesome", "code"=>'[my-shortcode parameter="123"]'); If you want to edit (or remove) any of the sample shortcodes I've included, see the file "defaults.php" Bonus feature: I've allowed for the possibility of using an icon for specific shortcode, if you want to do this, put the icon image file inside the workflow folder and change the code like so: $shortcodes[]=array("title"=>"My Shortcode", "description"=>"do something awesome", "code"=>'[my-shortcode parameter="123"]', "icon"=>"my icon.png"); Download http://bit.ly/2vGPx5v Source: https://github.com/surrealroad/alfred-wordpress-shortcodes Changelog Monday, 18 March 2013: first version.
  5. you can, just put the time immediately after the date. I'll update the example
  6. modify it to do what exactly? Are you using the lastest version with the ability to set the date as per the description?
  7. I didn't consider that possibility! Download the updated version in the original post, and you can set the name of the list to use at the top of the applescript
  8. I'm trying to make a workflow that's functionally similar to the lorem ipsum one. I like the way the Lorem Ipsum shows the sub-options, however, typing an argument doesn't actually highlight the option. Is there a way to build a workflow that does both?
  9. This just creates a new note in notes.app. To keep it simple, it just uses the first folder in the first account it finds. You can change this behaviour by editing providing the respective names in the "properties" in the applescript. Usage To search existing notes, type "n search_term" into Alfred. E.g. "n something I wrote yesterday" (not working in macOS High Sierra) To create a new note, just type "n note_text" into Alfred. E.g. "n something very important I will probably forget" To create a note from the clipboard, type "nclip optional_note_name" Hold option to open the note in a new window after creating it. iCloud Notes on OS 10.11+ As of Mac OS El Capitan, you are given the option to upgrade iCloud notes accounts. Once you do this, with the normal Notes workflow you'll start seeing duplicate lines in notes. The reason for this is that prior to the upgrade the "Title" of the note and the "Body" of the note were displayed separately. After the upgrade, Notes assumes the title is *not* also included in the body, which is different behaviour, and led to the apparent duplication. Sadly there's no reliable way for the workflow to detect whether your Notes account has been upgraded or not, so fixing it would entail breaking it on installs that have not undergone this upgrade. Therefore I have opted to make a separate Workflow which is to be used by anyone who has upgraded to the new iCloud version of Notes. You will find that download link below. Changelog: Tuesday, 5th July 2016 - Fixed a regression where "nclip" would not work if a custom title was provided Thursday, 30 June 2016 – Compatibility for users who did not previously have Alfred v2 installed Wednesday, 27 January 2016 – Fixed an issue with notes from clipboard not working; existing iCloud notes are now searched too (thanks, Vero!) Friday, 16 October 2015 – Added a new Workflow for iCloud upgraded notes in OS 10.11+ (Thanks Nikita!) Monday, 27 October 2014 – workaround for apple bug #18734006 on OS 10.10 Monday, 13 October 2014 – Hold option to open note window after creation Tuesday, 17 September 2013 – Updated q_workflow module to latest version Thursday, 18 April 2013 – Only first line is used as a title when using "nclip" with no arguments Sunday, 7 April 2013 – Properly escape illegal characters in query Friday, 5 April 2013 – Fixed an issue where a temporary file was getting written to the wrong place, sorry about that! Thursday, 4 April 2013 – Combined into single workflow; renamed to "Notes"; fixed an issue with clip keyword; nclip now pastes HTML if possible; workflow will notify if updates are available Saturday, 16 March 2013 – First version Download (Alfred v3 and iCloud) http://bit.ly/2w2mILX Note: this workflow will notify you if a newer version is available. To disable this functionality, change the property "shouldCheckForUpdates" to "false" Alfred v2 It's not currently known whether the latest release will be backward-compatible with Alfred v2. If you are using Mac OS 10.11+ and have "upgraded" your iCloud notes, you should use this workflow: Notes for Alfred v2 (iCloud) In all other cases, this is the one to use: Notes for Alfred v2 (non-iCloud) Source: https://github.com/surrealroad/alfred-notes Issues Please raise issues on GitHub, as it's easier for me to keep track of them there.
  10. Quick & dirty: on alfred_script(q) tell application "Notes" tell first account make new note at folder "Notes" with properties {name:q, body:q} end tell end tell end alfred_script created a workflow: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1009-add-new-note/
  11. Please make it easier to share workflows. There are too many barriers. Look what I have to do: Export the workflow Generate a screenshot Register on the forums Host the screenshot somewhere Host the file somewhere Write a post It seems absurd to have to do steps 4 & 5 in particular.
  12. This creates a new reminder in Reminders.app Download the latest version, for Alfred v3+ and macOS 10.12+ For older versions, go here. Usage To use, just type r <some text> into Alfred. For example, r check out some of Alfred's other workflows will create a new reminder called "check out some of Alfred's other workflows". You can also include times and dates in the text and have Alfred set a reminder for that particular time. r this will capture the current application and turn it into a reminder. r help will show some built-in examples. Dates To be reminded at a specific date/time, simply type a date into the command, for example: r today release the hamsters into the wild r tomorrow bring about financial ruin upon my enemies r in 5 minutes drop everything r in 2 hours laugh out loud r on 24/12/13 forget everything I know about things in movies r on 12 June 15 come up with some interesting ideas r on 31-12-99 23:22 panic about the millennium bug r at 2pm wait for nothing in particular r next thursday at 15.30 ask some difficult questions Priority To set the priority of the reminder, either use exclamation marks right at the start or end of the command (! for low priority, !! for medium priority, !!! for high priority), or type the priority right at the end of the command (these can also be abbreviated, for example mp or p lo). For example: r !!! in 2 weeks an important meeting r thursday have a banana medium priority r decide what to have for lunch !lo r make a turkey sandwich p3 Lists To choose a list to use on a per-reminder basis, type in <list name> list right at the end of the command, for example r Get Santa outfit !2 in Christmas list. If a matching list can't be found, you won't be able to action the command. In all other cases, the default Reminders list will be used (typically the first one). If you prefer, you can edit the defaultList variable within the workflow's Arg and Vars node (note that you'll have to edit this each time you upgrade the workflow however). Apps Get reminded about the app you're using, for example the selected file in Finder, or the current tab in Chrome or Safari. To create a reminder about the active app, simply type r this. Or keep typing to set a date, priority or a custom title, for example r this drop some sick beats on Friday !!!. The following apps are currently supported: Adobe Acrobat (Pro/DX) Chromium Contacts Finder FoldingText Google Chrome Google Chrome Canary Mail Mailplane 3 Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word Safari TextEdit TextMate Vienna WebKit Apps can be added on request. Just raise an issue with the app you use. As long as it's freely available and has AppleScript support, it can be added. Getting help r help will display the above examples All sorts of combinations are possible! Configuration If you want to change the default reminder list, edit the variables component at the top of the workflow, otherwise it will just use the first one (unless you use "in Y list" at the end). External Trigger To call the workflow as an external trigger, use applescript such as tell application "Alfred 3" to run trigger "remind" in workflow "com.surrealroad.alfred-reminder" with argument "something tomorrow at 5pm" Changelog v74 (Thursday, 3 August 2017) – Fixed an issue where impartial queries did not get parsed (thanks Nibblesh!) v73 (Friday, 21 July 2017) - Added support for Mailplane 3 (thanks devguydavid!), ensure dates are always in the future (thanks saeedmahani!), added external trigger v72 (Monday, 6 March 2017) – Quit reminders if needed when complete v71 (Saturday, 4 March 2017) – Added built-in help v70 (Friday, 3 March 2017) – Added OneUpdater v69 (Tuesday, 3 January 2017) – Added support for different lists v68 (Friday, 9 December 2016) – Added remaining app handlers, escaped paths v67 (Thursday, 8 December 2016) – Added support for app-secific reminders v66 (Thursday, 8 December 2016) - Added support for priorities v65 (Thursday, 8 December 2016) – Fixed reminders app hanging temporarily after creating a new reminder v64 (Wednesday, 7 December 2016) – Rewritten from the ground up in JavaScript for Automation. Now requires Alfred v3+, MacOS Sierra+. NEW: Enhanced date/time natural language parsing. Never worry about the correct syntax again! NEW: Better messaging about what will happen when actioning the item. FIXED: (Hopefully) improved performance. Note: there are still several features that have not been carried across to this version. As such, this should be considered a beta version. Monday, 24 October 2016 – Add support for Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat Pro, OneNote, Powerpoint (Thanks to catgsmith!) Friday, 3 June 2016 – Compatbility for users who did not previously have Alfred v2 installed Wednesday, 28 October 2015 - attempted fix for reminders not quitting on OS <10.9 Tuesday, 27 October 2015 - fix for reminders not closing after adding a new reminder Thursday, 15 October 2015 – compatibility for OS 10.11 El Capitan (and hopefully future releases) Wednesday, 21 January 2015 – added pattern “r in {x} days at {time} to {something}” Thursday, 30 October 2014 – days can now be abbreviated to 3 or more characters (e.g. “tod”, “tomo”, “thurs”, etc.), minutes can be abbreviated to “min” or “mins”, hours can be abbreviated to “hr”; the priority of the reminder can now be specified by “ !” at the end of the query, “ !1”,“ !2”,“ !3” each with increasing priorities Wednesday, 22 October 2014 – fixed cache process errors on OS 10.10, workaround for apple bug #18734006 on OS 10.10 Tuesday, 21 October 2014 – addressed some internal errors (which should also improve performance a little), notifications should now be working on OS 10.10, fixed Mail integration on OS 10.10, Mail integration now takes the most recent message if multiple messages (or a conversation) are selected Saturday, 26 July 2014 – Disable showing reminders in OS 10.10 (Yosemite) Thursday, 9 January 2014 – Fixed Finder links in OS 10.9 Saturday, 23 November 2013 – Disable display of existing reminders under OS 10.9 Friday, 22 November 2013 – Workflow will now display a message if the command is not valid Saturday, 2 November 2013 – Fixed an issue that would cause the workflow to crash the first few times it was run; fixed an issue that would prevent update checking to work correctly Friday, 1 November 2013 – Fixed an issue where caching reminders would cause update checking to fail Wednesday, 23 October 2013 – Increased timeout on OS 10.9, and allowed reminders to be retrieved from the cache while it's running; times specified without am/pm are now assumed to be in 24hour format; corrected an issue where 12 o'clock times were calculated incorrectly; you can now use "noon" and "midnight" to specify time Tuesday, 22 October 2013 – Prevent cache processes overlapping; recreate damaged cache file if needed; workaround for OS 10.9 GM2 plist bug Wednesday, 9 October 2013 – Added support for Google Chrome Canary; added plain text formats of applescripts; fix for cache process failing for new users Monday, 7 October 2013 – Added profiling to rtest; "r" with no arguments is now the same as "r all" Friday, 4 October 2013 – Compatbility with OS 10.9 Mavericks GM Wednesday, 18 September 2013 – Fix for non-gregorian date format Tuesday, 17 September 2013 – Updated q_workflow module to latest version Wednesday, 10 July 2013 - Added support for OmniFocus 2, TextMate 2 and FoldingText Thursday, 18 April 2013 – Fixed recognition of 10/11/12am/pm times Tuesday, 16 April 2013 -- Added support for WebKit Nightly. Monday, 15 April 2013 – Added "r in x days y hours", "r in x hours y minutes", "r today/tomorrow/weekday at time to x" patterns Thursday, 11 April 2013 – Added support for OmniFocus, Vienna, reminder from address book now adds a link to the contact Wednesday, 10 April 2013 – Fix for -609 error (thanks, stevef!) Tuesday, 9 April 2013 – Added "r refresh" keyword to refresh list ("r all" will no longer refresh the list); added "rshow", which will only show options for existing reminders, "radd", which will only show options for adding new reminders; added "rtest" which runs a set of tests to check for potential problems; fixed an issue that would cause workflow to crash (thanks, erist!) Monday, 8 April 2013 – Better compatibility for editing library scripts on other systems; it's now possible to delete reminders by holding down control; fixed a rare issue where the workflow might incorrectly report a new version is available; iconography tweak; added "overdue" keyword; added support for TextMate and TextEdit; allow "r in 1 minute/hour/day" Sunday, 7 April 2013 – Don't mark reminder as complete with option held down; properly escape illegal characters in query; added support for Finder and Chromium Saturday, 6 April 2013 – Added "r this" which captures data from the current application and turns it into a reminder; support for Google Chrome, Safari, and Mail; fixed a regression; support for contacts/address book; added icons from the icon factory; "r all" now refreshes the cache Friday, 5 April 2013 – Show "r all" in help; don't close reminders if its been moved to the foreground; all keywords can now be used to filter displayed reminders; changed the cache duration to 2 hours; subtitle for existing reminders shows more information where possible Thursday, 4 April 2013 – Performance improvements; hold option to view the selected reminder in Reminders.app Wednesday, 3 April 2013 – Fix for "in list" pattern breaking up text; added "r help" examples; don't prompt to create reminder with "all" keyword; checks for newer versions of the workflow Tuesday, 2 April 2013 – If reminders.app is closed, it will stay closed when using this workflow Sunday, 31 March 2013 – Added pattern "r Wednesday something" Wednesday, 27 March 2013 – Renamed workflow to "Reminders"; Use application id instead of name, Alfred now shows existing reminders in his list (selecting one will mark it as complete); keyword is now optional Tuesday, 26 March 2013 – Now sets specified date as the reminder date, rather than due date; added pattern "r something in Y list" Wednesday, 20 March 2013 – You can now use the pattern "r at 1.30 to something"; Alfred will tell you what's going to happen before you press enter; split off code to library file Tuesday, 19 March 2013 – You can now use the pattern "r in X minutes/hours/days something" Sunday, 17 March 2013 – You can now specify a date for the reminder. See the examples above. Acknowledgements Date parsing is done via chrono.js Uses icons from the Flurry collection by David Lanham / The Icon Factory Updates via OneUpdater Disclaimer This workflow is provided as-is, use it at your own risk. I can't take any responsibility for anything bad that happens as a result of using it, including, but not limited to, loss of data, loss of sanity, spontaneous human combustion. Feedback By far the best way to give me feedback is to submit an issue on GitHub. Alternatively, just reply to this post.
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