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Everything posted by surrealroad

  1. Well I'm sorry I have no idea what's wrong, it looks like your system refuses to execute applescript. Do your other installed workflows work correctly?
  2. Well that's a good sign. Actioning the test reminders workflow option should copy some text to the clipboard after a few seconds (it should also notify you when it's done that.) Can you pm me with whatever comes out?
  3. Sounds like the workflow isn't installed/activated. When you type rtest, do you see the "Test Reminders Workflow" action in the list?
  4. I know it's pre-release etc etc, but thought it best to log this in any case. When running full screen with multiple monitors in OS 10.9, Alfred always shows on the primary screen rather than the active one. This in itself is not a problem, however when using clipboard history for example, it pastes to the wrong window.
  5. Looks like you might need to reinstall Remote Desktop. Which version do you have?
  6. Can you run "rtest" and pm me the results?
  7. Hi, please refer to the original post for examples of how the command needs to be structured (or use "r help" in alfred).
  8. I'll look into the possibility of just disabling invalid commands rather than making them disappear.
  9. Well you have to type "r tomorrow something" for it to work. Try "r help" for some examples of what to type.
  10. Nope, sorry this is one for Apple. "5/10 is not a date applescript understands". I'll consider porting that part of the code to PHP instead, but only if there's enough people requesting this to make it worth the effort.
  11. Unfortunately that's just not going to happen, as the code is currently at the point where I don't want to add more complexity to the interpretation system if it's not needed, not to mention that building a decent natural language interpreter in applescript is just too hard for me
  12. so it looks like r on 5/10/13 10:00 am to test reminder workflow (note the space before "am") might work in your case. This is somewhat out of my control because date formats will vary between systems, so I just use applescript to figure out the date based on what you type. I'm in the UK, so "10/5/13 10:00" works for me. For things like "tomorrow at 10:00", etc. I've coded the time calculations myself, so I know how they should behave.
  13. so this _should_ work, but probably doesn't in your case: r on 5/10/13 10:00 to test reminder workflow Can you run "rtest", paste the results into a document, and then post the "Current date" line. This will tell me how your system formats (and interprets) dates, and we can go from there.
  14. For me it works, so it's not an issue with the parser. Two things spring to mind: Does this occur if you just use the "radd" keyword instead of "r"? Is reminders open or closed when you attempt to add the keywords.
  15. Updated the theme to reflect changes to the site it's based on.
  16. As @roccitman says, this is already possible. From the advanced usage section on the first post: r today release the hamsters into the wild r tomorrow bring about financial ruin upon my enemies r thursday have a banana r thursday at 15.30 to ask some difficult questions
  17. I believe spotlight "cheats" in some way to do this. If you try your spotlight search in a finder window rather than the spotlight icon on the menubar, you'll see it doesn't actually find any notes. I *can* make the workflow show your notes in alfred, but as I said, it would be kind of pointless because you can't make them actually open up.
  18. That's not possible, at least not with this workflow. I thought about adding this feature, but the problem is there would be now way to actually "open" a specific note in the notes app, which would be really lame.
  19. Well I'd use Script Debugger if it wasn't so madly overpriced, so I'm stuck with plain old AppleScript editor. I generally just copy and paste different blocks of code into new scripts when I want to test them. Having created the "rtest" parameter also has proved to be a big help.
  20. Awesome. Grab the latest version, should be fixed now.
  21. can you run "rtest" and pm me the results?
  22. oh! does it work if you try it without "tomorrow"?
  23. When you say "nothing happened", did you get a notification in Alfred, below what you were typing, of what was going to happen? Did you get any messages via growl after pressing enter (if you have growl installed)? Edit: I think I see what you're saying. This workflow is only for the standalone reminders app. I don't think you'll see anything in ical.
  24. In itunes, audiobooks do not show up under "albums". In Alfred, they do.
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