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Posts posted by surrealroad

  1. I've updated the workflow to disable certain functionality under OS 10.9, effectively forcing a "write-only" mode. This should make it more usable now for OS 10.9 users (that's everyone at this point, right?).

  2. FWIW, both "r" and "radd" work the same for me.

    (Mavericks on a 2013 MBP)

    Indeed, but the problem with using "r" is that it can trip over itself, meaning that it won't add reminders straight away.


    I might make a version of the plugin that's write-only.


    This plugin looks great, but sadly didn't work on my Mavericks.

    Mavericks users may be glad to know that until this is fixed QuickCal plugin also does reminders  - all works well, if you install it 'cal r create reminder 10am' in Alfred works fine.


    Many thanks,


    As noted on the first post, "radd" works fine in Mavericks for creating reminders with this workflow

  4. Follwoing are the results:


    typing     - in the dropdown 

    rad          - shows radd

    radd        - shows google search

    radd test - shows adding a reminder

    radd thursday - shows google

    radd thursday at  - shows google

    radd thursday at 12:55 - shows google

    radd thursday at 12:55 test - shows google

    The latest version will show a message if Alfred doesn't understand the command.

  5. Follwoing are the results:


    typing     - in the dropdown 

    rad          - shows radd

    radd        - shows google search

    radd test - shows adding a reminder

    radd thursday - shows google

    radd thursday at  - shows google

    radd thursday at 12:55 - shows google

    radd thursday at 12:55 test - shows google

    That's as designed– you'll only see the prompt if you type a valid command.

    I did at one point try to get it to show a message if you type something invalid, but didn't do it for reasons I can't remember. Maybe I'll take another look, but in truth I don't know if there's any point messing around with this until the Mavericks issue gets resolved.

  6. Right, I did see the warning. It does work for me though. Just hangs Reminders.app up for a little bit after I create a reminder.



    I had something like this and decided to remove the workflow. :(


    In my case, I got CPU over 80% from time to time (even without create any reminder).


    I love this workflow but have to wait a fix from Apple (hope it comes sometime).


    Yeah that's basically the same issue. I'll update the note about Mavericks to mention that.

  7. 10.9. 

    Let me stop you right there. This workflow does not work correctly in OS 10.9 due to a bug in the OS. See the very first post for more details, but basically there's nothing I can do about it until Apple fix the issue, which may never happen. All my systems are now 10.9, so I'm keen to get this fixed too.

  8. Am I misreading a post above? My Reminders application is oddly wadded up from time to time, beach balling and being unresponsive. Seems to be for a few minutes after I create a reminder with the Alfred workflow. Does that jive with what you're saying above?

    Are you on OS 10.8 or 10.9? Has it always been like this when using the workflow?


    That behaviour sounds like the Reminders application is being accessed by AppleScript. This should only happen for a few seconds, unless you have many incomplete reminders, or are running OS 10.9.

  9. Thanks, Jack. Actually it's working now!! I kept typing in different commands and eventually something 'clicked' and they started to work. Thanks! Awesome workflow!!

    There's something odd going on here. I'm looking into it.


    Edit: looks like an Alfred update might have broken something.


    I just installed this workflow and was super excited about it, but it just doesn't seem to be working. When I follow the instructions (prepend the reminder with r) I am just getting to a google search, it's not adding reminders. 

    Here are the contents of my 'rtest' clipboard. I am on OSX Lion - haven't upgraded this machine to mavericks yet. Thanks for your help! 


    Test results:
    OS version: 10.8.5 (0 seconds)
    Current date: Friday, November 1, 2013 12:37:57 PM (0 seconds)
    Initialize workflow path: /Users/rlocker/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.BB8F5E3D-1EEF-4437-8D07-CCE23CAB0629 (0 seconds)
    Initialize alfred-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Initialize update-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Initialize wf-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Initialize plist-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Reminders.app state: Not running (0 seconds)
    Fetch reminder count: 10 (2 seconds)
    Fetch reminder info: OK (0 seconds)
    Fetch reminder list count: 3 (0 seconds)
    Fetch reminder list info: OK (0 seconds)
    Run cache process: OK (4 seconds)
    Fetch cache timestamp: Friday, November 1, 2013 12:38:03 PM (0 seconds)
    Fetch cached reminder count: 10 (0 seconds)
    Test basic query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test today query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n minutes query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n hours query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n days query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n days y hours query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n hours y minutes query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test at time query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test tomorrow at time query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in x list query: OK (0 seconds)
    Subtitle generation: OK (0 seconds)
    Test basic reminder filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test remind today reminder filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test due tomorrow reminder filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test reminder list filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test version-check response: OK (0 seconds)
    Current unix time: 1.383323883E+9 (0 seconds)
    Simple JSON: OK (0 seconds)
    Test execution time: 6 seconds


    Does typing "r help" work?

    Can you give me an example of something you type that doesn't work?

  11. I've tried to search this thread with no luck. Is there a way to change the default list that this workflow posts to? I've changed it in Reminders.app.

    Well you have two options. You can specify the list each time by typing "in list <name of list>" at the end of each query, or you can edit the workflow and change the properties at the top of each "run script" step to the name of the list, i.e. 'property reminderList : "name of list"'


    The workflow otherwise uses the first list it finds by default.


    Test results:
    OS version: 10.8.5 (0 seconds)
    Current date: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 10:06:46 PM (0 seconds)
    Initialize workflow path: /Users/…/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.9A0FD0F6-FB29-41D0-B908-29F5015F1D26 (0 seconds)
    Initialize alfred-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Initialize update-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Initialize wf-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Initialize plist-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Reminders.app state: Running (0 seconds)
    Fetch reminder count: 15 (0 seconds)
    Fetch reminder info: OK (0 seconds)
    Fetch reminder list count: 5 (0 seconds)
    Fetch reminder list info: OK (0 seconds)
    Run cache process: OK (3 seconds)
    Fetch cache timestamp: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 10:06:49 PM (0 seconds)
    Fetch cached reminder count: 15 (0 seconds)
    Test basic query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test today query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n minutes query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n hours query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n days query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n days y hours query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n hours y minutes query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test at time query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test tomorrow at time query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in x list query: OK (0 seconds)
    Subtitle generation: OK (0 seconds)
    Test basic reminder filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test remind today reminder filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test due tomorrow reminder filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test reminder list filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test version-check response: OK (0 seconds)
    Current unix time: 1.383080809E+9 (0 seconds)
    Simple JSON: OK (0 seconds)
    Test execution time: 3 seconds


    Curiously, that seems to be working perfectly.


    I should note that you are on OS 10.8.5, so you won't need to adjust anything in System Preferences.


    If you type "radd this is a test" into Alfred, what happens?

  13. I guess what I'm saying is, the command isn't doing anything.  When I type the command out, like "radd get pet food", only google, amazon, and wikipedia search options show.  Same when I type "r help".


    Curiously, when I just type "r" there are several things that come up, like apps that begin with R, and then down at option 7 is "add a reminder".  But if I choose that, I'm right back to the results I've described.



    I have the same issue. Workflow doesn't work for me since I have installed Mavericks. And yes, I have "Alfred 2" enabled in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Reminders.


    Please run "rtest" within Alfred, wait for it to complete, and paste the response. See also the note about Mavericks compatibility at the start of this thread, if you haven't already.

  14. Hi.  New to using workflows (and Alfred).  I understand the gist, but when i type "radd" it just displays google, amazon, and wikipedia search options.  Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere?  Thanks and sorry to bump this thread for a noob question.


    You should type "radd title of reminder". If you want to specify time/date, see the examples in the first post (or type "r help"). You just use "radd" instead of "r" to force the workflow to create new reminders, rather than just showing you current reminders.

  15. Workflow is not working for me on Mavericks (official release). Are you already working on a fix, Jack?



    Note: OS 10.9 Mavericks

    Working as of 10.9 Mavericks GM, but performance is slow (14x slower than 10.8) due to an apparent bug in osascript (which may affect other Alfred workflows too, or might just be limited to accessing Reminder data). This means that fetching data from Reminders is taking around a minute or so per reminder. I have implemented an imperfect workaround, which means you'll see an incomplete list of reminders some of the time (whenever the cache is being rebuilt, which is roughly every 2 hours of usage), whilst increasing the amount of time the cache process is allowed to run (to around 17 minutes). This is probably the best I can do for now until the bug gets fixed (which might never happen).


    Notifications don't appear to be working, though this seems to be the case will all workflows in Alfred in OS 10.9.


    You will need to enable access to your reminders. You will be prompted to do this when you run the workflow, but if you need to check, go to

    System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Reminders

    Make sure both "Alfred 2" (and "osascript", if it is shown) are enabled.


  16. Jack, we're in different time zones so October 23 at 12:01PM is still about 2 hours off for me, more at the time of the screen capture. My own 2¢ would be that noon, midnight, and tomorrow would be good to add.

    Please download the latest version, it addresses issues with 12am/pm, and adds the keywords "noon" and "midnight" ("tomorrow" should work already).

    Specifically, if you type "am" or "pm" with a time it should use the time as entered, otherwise it will assume a 24-hour clock if you use hh:mm or hh.mm, falling back to a time based on the current time if you just put e.g. "r at 6 to do something". Hopefully this is a little more intuitive now.

  17. I suspect you are trying to add a reminder in the past in the first instance (if you want to do that you need to be explicit about the date).

    "Noon" is not recognised by this workflow (nor is "midnight"). I can probably add it.


    Edit: looks like there's a bug with 12am/pm. I'm looking into it.

  18. As far as I know, Alfred always lets a script finish executing…

    Could you post the code? More than likely, there's some block of code that's preventing your script from terminating

    Cheers :)

    It's rather a long script (part of my reminders workflow) and calls other scripts so I don't want to paste it, but the part that's changed (i.e. since the notification was working) is inside a try block, so even if that's broken somewhere, it shouldn't trip up Alfred.

    FWIW I tried running the entire script outside of Alfred and it executes fine.



    Commenting out the long process results in the workflow running normally, as does imposing a hard time limit of 200 seconds on the process (down from the original limit I set of 1000).

  19. Jack, so here's something that may be interesting regarding notifications. I also use your Notes workflow and DID receive a notification, as I would have expected, when I entered one this morning.

    something strange is happening with notifications. They were working fine in GM1, and like you, they worked for me in notes– which also seemed to trigger *all* the previous alfred notifications to suddenly appear. Since then, notifications in the reminders workflow do seem to be working for me. I am still not receiving notifications from other applications though :/


    Try adding another reminder and see if you get a notification now.

  20. Yep, that syntax works! I was using your guide to usage on the first page of this string, third from the bottom. I should have looked at the very last one!


    ok, so that pattern ("r on 31-12-99 23:22 to panic about the millennium bug") is if you want to specify date/time as a timestamp format, i.e. dd-mm-yy hh:mm

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