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Posts posted by RodgerWW

  1. First you need a table from the likes of : IEEE Standards Association

    At the bottom is a text file: "Download a copy of the MA-L Public Listing (Updated daily)"


    Then the workflow just needs the first six characters of the MAC to grab the Manufacturer.


    Basically this requires some parsing in your preferred language ... I will try to pump one out this weekend with BIN/BASH because that's all I know, but perhaps someone else might grab this and up one faster than me.


    EDIT: SAT JAN 25


    DOWNLOAD BETA 1 of the workflow


    Once installed simply type "mac" with a space, then the MAC number.


    I am parsing out all the crap to work with the included "oui.txt" file and only include the first 6 digits/characters.

    As far as I am aware, the two most common separators are ":" and "-" for MACs ... let me know if others are common.


    For example:


    typing 'mac 00-00-00' will output "XEROX CORPORATION"

    typing 'mac 00:00:00' will output "XEROX CORPORATION"

    typing 'mac 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00' will output "XEROX CORPORATION"


    Hitting SHIFT+ENTER will copy the manufacturer to the clipboard

    Hitting CTRL+ENTER will open "http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/oui/public.html" in your default browser so that you can obtain the most recent 'oui.txt' file if it ever becomes out of date.

  2.  "I need this kind of workflow for any application of my Mac"  :)


    What I am looking for is a fast way to get the version of any application. 

    So I would type "about" (or any keyword), then "tab", then would select the application I want to have the version (with up and down keys),

    then hit "enter", then a growl notification would appear with the requested information.


    Do you have any plan adding feature?


    Well, 'About This Mac' was intended to simply recreate the menu bar item on OS X systems.  So, I will not be adding to this workflow.  What I would suggest though, is placing a request for what you want in the 'Workflow Help & Questions' forum.  Be sure to include all info you would like the workflow to contain.  I am sure someone will come up with something (perhaps even me), this is an awesome community here!

  3. I've made a workflow for this, it's easy as pie.


    1: Create new workflow from templates/essentials “Keyword to Script to Notification”

    2: Double click on the keyword icon, type in your preferred "Keyword" and then select "No Argument". Also type in a "Title" and a "Subtext" then click save.

    3: Double click on the run script icon, and in the script area paste:


    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user;
    killall Finder;
    then click save.
    4: Double click on the notification icon. Output to whatever you want … I select Default. In "Title" I put “LaunchServices DB repaired”, and in "Text" I put “All done now” ,,, last two checkboxes un-checked, and select save.
    So when you type your keyword and hit enter the script will run, clearing the database, and relaunching Finder, then a notification pops up saying it's all done.
  4. I do have all 5 of the files you listed above, and I also have the SystemProfiler.plist file.



    But it still hangs on this.



    OK, is your model identifier ‘MacBookPro9,1’ ? I DO have that included in the xml for the hardware icon.


    One other thing to try ... I ASSUME you are using a version of Alfred over 2.0.3, which removed the necessity of identifiers, BUT:


    1: Open the workflow in Alfed, and double click on the 'about' script filter (the one with the silver Apple logo)

    2: In the 'Script' area, scroll down to the bottom where the output starts “Alfred RESULTS Display”

    3: Then, for EACH "<item>" ADD a UID equal to the "arg"


    so that:


    <item arg="$MACHINE" valid="yes">




    <item arg="$MACHINE" valid="yes" uid="$MACHINE">


    Do that to all 8 <item> s, and try again please.

  5. I'm running OS X 10.8.4 on a MBP 15" Mid-2012, and I can't seem to get this workflow to run. It hangs on "Retrieving & Parsing."


    Any suggestions?


    First: If you could check the workflow folder for me and tell me ... are the following files created? 


    graphics.txt  ,  hardware.txt  ,  memory.txt  ,  mymac.txt  ,  software.txt


    A hang on retrieving USUALLY means there's a missing file or VALUE in a file is not formatted correctly.


    SECOND: Do you have the following file? “~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SystemProfiler.plist”


    You SHOULD, but if it's a new/fresh install, you may have to run Apple's About this Mac from the menu bar once to get the system to write the file.

  6. Can you not just type "print" in Alfred, and it shows "Print & Scan" in the results? At least, it SHOULD.


    Open Alfred Preferences, click on the 'Features' button at the top, then click on 'Default Results' in the left column.

    Under 'Essentials' in the right pane, 'Preferences' SHOULD be checked. If NOT, then check it.


    If it IS checked and 'Print & Scan' does not show up in your results upon typing 'Print' in Alfred, you may have to "Clear Application Cache" or "Rebuild OS X Metadata" ... as found in the 'Advanced' section of Alfred.

  7. 1: Open Alfred Preferences

    2: In left column, click on "Default Results"

    3: On right side look for "Search Scope" and there is a "+" button at the top of the list ... click that.

    4: Select the drive (or volumes, or folders) etc, to add to the list in "Search Scope"


    As long as Spotlight has indexed the external, it will show up now in Alfred's results when you do a standard search starting with SPACE.

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