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Posts posted by Kudusch

  1. Hey ho,


    It would be nice to have a setting for the calculator to set the decimal separator for the output to one used in the input.


    So, if you turned the input setting to "Use decimal point and comma as separator" the results would look like this:


    2,5 * 5 > 12,5


    2.5 * 5 > 12.5


    This would only make sense, 'cause you already recognize the separator used in the input.


    Thanks in advance :)



  2. I've done some testing, and I think I understand what you mean now.


    I set up a script filter with a keyword 'foo'. I type 'f' and navigate to 'Foo'; I hit enter to autocomplete 'f' to 'foo'. Script filter returns two items ('Incubus' and 'Incubus Album Art'). Action an item from the script filter. Rinse and repeat.


    If I type 'foo', results arrange according to frequency of use; 'f', however, did not pull 'Foo' to the top of the results, even though his filter was the most used of any result listed.


    While Alfred seems to learn my preference for the returned items, he does not learn which script filters are my favorite; 'Foo' remained near the bottom of the list, even below apps I had never launched before.


    Thanks, Tyler Eich. That's a much better description of my problem!


    I'm going to have a bit of a think about this for a future release - the issue is you never actually action a script filter placeholder which is why it's never prioritised.


    That would be great.

    Workflows are such a big and important part of Alfred now. It would be a shame, if it would be so… complicated to access them.


    Maybe in 2.0.3 or 2.0.4?

  3. Hm, I'm gonna push this again, because the issue isn't resolved, yet.


    There are Apps and folders listed in my top 5 results that I never used or opened and the workflows I use daily just won't appear in the top 5 results and I have to type their full names to use them.


    Is there a setting that I am missing? Lack my workflows information to help Alfred with the learning? Is this a bug?


    I'm desperate.

  4. Hey girls and guys,


    I just finished the rewrite of my old ASCII Converter extension.


    With this workflow you can convert a string of characters into their ASCII code values and vice versa.
    You can convert from and to hexadecimal, binary and decimal.
    The results will be displayed as soon as you run the workflow and copied to your clipboard when you press enter. 
    You can either enter a string or just use your clipboard content.






    You can download it here:




    Version 1.1
    -fixes a rather stupid bug where the conversion for hex would not be in hexadecimal, but in hexal
    Version 1.0
    -rewritten as an Alfred 2 workflow
    -detection of input
  5. Because of the fact, that NotificationCenter has no AppleScript support or any other scripting bridge I had to be a little creative solving these problems.


    Pausing NotificationCenter is achieved through UI Scripting and to close all the notifications in NC I had to mess with NC's database file and restart NoticifationCenter afterwards.


    These solutions are both not very stable, but right now the best I could do.


    If any of you know of a better way to do this, please reply.

  6. Hey caleb531,


    you could use AppleScript to solve this problem:

    tell application "iTunes"
    set vCover to data of artwork 1 of current track
    set vTarget to open for access ":path:to:the:workflow:folder:cover.jpg" with write permission
    write vCover to vTarget
    close access vTarget 
    end tell


    In the feedback XML you set the icon element to the path you specified before.


    I hope this helps.

  7. Heyho guys and girls,


    I just finished porting my old v1 extension NotificationControl to a v2 style workflow.


    You can download it here.


    You can use the following keywords: 

    • Show the current status of Growl and NotificationCenter : stat
    • Pause Growl and Notification Center : pause
    • Resume Growl and Notification Center : resume
    • Pause or resume Growl : growl
    • Pause or resume Notification Center : notificationcenter
    • Close all Growl notifications : close_growl
    • Close all NotificationCenter notifications : close_nc
    • Show Growl’s rollup : show
    • Hide Growl’s rollup : hide
    • Enable Growl’s incoming network : enable
    • Disable Growl’s incoming network : disable/
    • Restart Growl : restart



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