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  1. You may interest: https://github.com/yellowsoar/alfred_web_search_with_fuzzy_list/
  2. If you want take full control of your keyboard like a programmable keyboard, KE is the thing. If you only want do some dead simple remap, Alfred is one of the choices but not the most advanced. KE only do key-map things, it's not a replica of Alfred. Read the Official Documentation: https://karabiner-elements.pqrs.org/docs/ It is the best way to understand how it works and how you config your keyboard. You can learn from other people's config files: https://ke-complex-modifications.pqrs.org There is even an DSL exists for writing KE config files(for advanced config): https://github.com/yqrashawn/GokuRakuJoudo Goku can generate 10000+ lines of KE config files from only hundreds lines.
  3. External Keyboard and key mapping? There is an awesome app existing over a decade: https://karabiner-elements.pqrs.org
  4. Usage: The default hotkey is +\ Step 1, Select a file or text segment then press the hotkey. Step 2, Select another file or text segment then press the hotkey. Well, the FileMerge.app / vimdiff (in a new Terminal/iTerm2 tab page) will be launched and diff your selections. Readme Download This is a fork of this workflow whose latest update time is 2013-09-23 and some of it's content outdated :
  5. I'm not author of this workflow. https://github.com/oe/app-lang-switcher-alfred-workflow Launch App in selected language, or set as Default language. Dependency: xcode-select --install
  6. 😅 updated images without blurred data.
  7. Obsidian Documentation search:
  8. I haven't look into all it's functions, the only one I'm using is vault switcher:
  9. I won't suggest others to use this one because xilopaint's workflow is prettier
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