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  1. so helpful! im so close. So I got the workflow to show the images. But I can't figure out the last part Copy selected image to clipboard. Once I pull up the grid view and navigate to the image I want, how do I copy that image to clipboard? made vid https://www.loom.com/share/9c18710eafeb488b9a9b5aa87716a810
  2. I figured this out. It was my universal hotkey. I never used that before. thanks stephen!
  3. Update! I figured this out. You need to select text and then enter the hotkey. Original Question: My universal action hotkey is not giving me a pop up. See 20 sec vid. it appears to be triggering Chrome Edit menu but there is nothing with shift + option + command + N in the Chrome Edit menu. I also confirmed this and closed chrome. When I enter my hotkey, nothing happens. https://www.loom.com/share/c065d66d776c45abbd208eefcfeb829e?sid=93a8cf6b-33ee-4f44-93cc-0eff03be460f
  4. This is simple but very useful for me bc I'm constantly needing to save little snippets of text I need to return to througout the day. I can save text by pasting it into Alfred but this is extra clicks. The functionality exists to select the text and then save that to the quick note file but I have not been able to get this to work yet. See loom and attached screenshot. https://github.com/Stephen-Lon/Alfred-workflow-save-ur-note
  5. thanks so much! I took my first stab at a workflow. replicated what you did for the most part but I still cant make a "square" connector btw Grid view and Image view and unsure about configuration. I made a 54 sec loom and this time it's full screen so you will see it! PS (unrelated to this thread)I just got your Save text workflow. Appears useful. I have some questions on that but will start a new community thread. https://www.loom.com/share/8255517434b04119b5ed20d91f8d25be?sid=0f46d519-4ca0-44a0-b161-8068031a8a2c
  6. thanks so much! Sorry about the vid- it was not full screen. I'm very green to workflows but this sounds like it could work. I tried using the the transfer.sh from the command line using curl --upload-file /Users/davidrobinson/Desktop/open_screenshots_folder.alfredworkflow https://transfer.sh/open_screenshots_folder.alfredworkflow but it failed: "curl: (7) Failed to connect to transfer.sh port 443: Operation timed out" I've uploaded the workflow to a public page on notion - can you download it from here? https://wilsonp.notion.site/Alfred-workflows-370b81d2b2f349e0b7e09ef77d206d40?pvs=4 pasting a screenshot of the workflow for rerference
  7. hey stephen - so I have a workflow Open Screenshots Folder by Andrew Pepperrell that displays all PNG files in my Screenshots folder. But I want to be able to paste these screenshots or potentially create a snippet for specific files. Made a 30 second loom showing what I'm looking to do https://www.loom.com/share/7fa82978a9ea4d2db9d9f26d3b5583c8?sid=409761cd-8147-4a34-810b-b1495b6ca1ac
  8. Is it possible to make a snippet that shows an image? Or is there a workflow for this? I often screenshot data that I want to quickly recall instead of copy paste etc. Thanks
  9. I'm aware you can access MAC OS clipboard MOST RECENT ITEM ONLY. But often I've saved a bunch of images or text to my clipboard that later on I want to paste. Instead of clicking Command + 1, Command + 2, to paste each, is there a root folder for this so I can just drag the images/text into another document? I'm using MAC OS Big Sur and Alfred 4.8. Example/Use case I was casually saving a couple screenshots to my clipboard yesterday. As I became more interested, I ended up with 20 or so. Usually I would save these to dropbox so I could drag them to a different place. But in this case they were in my clipboard. How do I access these?
  10. Hi Dfay, I would love the script / docs for this (I'm a bit of newbie on scripts but used one of your python scripts for bulk import of snippets which was a life saver). Also, I have TextExpander (legacy) but cannot find TE Touch- is there another name? Thanks again
  11. Lots of my projects require accessing specific sections of large websites. For example, I just created about 60 snippets with these keywords for different sections of this site. There's got to be an easier way. Does anyone know? key link zr81 https://zr.planning.nyc.gov/article-viii/chapter-1 zr82 https://zr.planning.nyc.gov/article-viii/chapter-2 zr83 https://zr.planning.nyc.gov/article-viii/chapter-3
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