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  1. I kept reading about how to rebuild the cache but the comments were'nt very clear, then I figured it out so maybe this will help someone else. 1. Open Alfred 2. type gd and just 2-3 letters (generally any letters will work) 3. Once you see some results, just press ⌘⌥⌃ on your keyboard and you should see the text under the first/highlighted result change to "Force Cache Update" 4. With those keys held, just hit ↩ (return) on your keyboard to start the process Note: If you type more than 3 letters and Alfred says, "Search "blah" on Google Drive's website", you've entered too much and it won't work.
  2. I've been having the same problem since Google renamed "Team Drives" to "Shared drives" in their May 31st update. I've chatted with Google support twice about this and there first response was that they are receiving similar reports from other users, and to follow the procedures in this Apple support article... https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201716. When that didn't work, I chatted with them again and this time got a "It's Apple's problem, contact them." response. 😞 It's still not working for me, but please post an update here if you figure anything out.
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