I am currently using the latest buld of A4, along with the latest release of Catalina on my Macbook Pro.
When i enter in the keyword to search for emails in Apple Mail, Alfred always shows only my fallback search options.
I have taken the following steps to troublesheoot:
- Deleted and reinstalled the workflow
- Made sure i am on the latest release of Alfred and MacOS
- Granted Full Disk Accesst o Alfred in the security settings
- Double checked that my emails are showing up in spotlight search
- Enabled 'search all file types' in Alfred ettings
- Confirmed that the workflow is searching in the correct folder where my emails are saved
When i head over to System Preference > Security and Privacy > Automation, I can see that Alfred has requested access to other applications such as Evernote, Fantastical, Music, System Events etc, but there is no mention of Mail or Notes on this preference pane. Could this be causing some issue?
I am also having this very same issue when trying to search for my saved notes in Apple Notes.
I was facing this issue in Alfred 3 on Mojave as well.
I am not facing any issues with any other Workflows - I have various other workflows installed which are all working absolutely perfectly.
Will greatly appreciate any spport on this.