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Posts posted by Luddite

  1. Pardon my silly question.


    If I understand correctly, when I activate Alfred and type `mdc`, I'm supposed to see a drop-down list of my templates inside the notes folder. From that list, I can select the template to create a note from.


    But I see none. All I can do is to type note title, enter, and then get a new note created from the default template.

  2. On 8/29/2020 at 9:35 PM, Martien Oranje said:


    What version of the workflow are you on?

    Sorry that I didn't reply to you sooner. I'm using the latest Todoist workflow, 5.8.3 and Alfred version 4.0.9. I got that notification, but I was still able to add and retrieve tasks as normal.

  3. I've installed Node.js and set the API token and it was registered as successful. However, whenever I run any command, like creating a task or searching for tasks, there was a notification from Alfred “Couldn't update workflow. Can't read property 'length' of null”.

  4. On 3/30/2020 at 8:00 PM, multicolor said:



    Glad this is still of use to you, almost 5 years later! Yup, as far as I can see from here that was the intended behavior.

    I just made another version which forces the tab to open in an already open Finder window even if Finder is not focused, which I guess is what you wanted? Get it here. Keyword "ioio".


    Thank you. This works like magic. This is why I never wish to use other people's computers.

  5. On 10/26/2015 at 1:51 AM, multicolor said:


    So I had some time and made a workflow for what you describe. Probably not the most elegant solution, but I'm not a programmer, just an engineer that likes to tinker. Even more so since Alfred is so tinkerable.. :)


    Get the workflow here. Default keyword is "opop". Graphic from here



    Belated thank you to multicolor. This is exactly what I'm looking for. But if I understand it correctly, the Finder window has to be the frontmost app for the AppleScript to work, right? Still, this is better than having 10 windows open 😫.

  6. On 3/5/2019 at 7:05 AM, Voeltz said:

    Sorry to revive a dead topic, but is there a way that when I'm searching for something within Alfred (my shortcut is just CMD+Space to replace Spotlight) that I can hold a modifier key, like how CMD does "reveal in Finder" to have the open with... pop up?


    My example would be: I have .png files that I normally want to open in Preview, but every-now-and-then open in Adobe Illustrator. 


    Thanks for the help! This thread was helpful already!!

    I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I set up a workflow like this:

    - when I activate Alfred and type the keyword “png”, Alfred will limit my search to only png files.

    - follow the keyword “png” with the space key, and then type the name of the png I want to open.

    - hit Enter, and the png will be opened with Affinity Photo, because the keyword “png” is connected to the Open File with Affinity Photo as below.

    If someone has a quicker workflow, please share.



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