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Humble Hostage

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Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Hi. I would just like to add that I am experiencing the exact same problem(s) as OP, & they also persist throughout various troubleshooting & diagnostic techniques. Moreover, my troubles actually extend further than just the aforementioned broken search in Alfred, & in fact have now wrecked havoc on my stored Snippets and broader clipboard history functionality via Alfred, by far my single most frequent & mission critical Alfred feature. In addition to the malfunctioning Alfred Search issue & the Clipboard/Snippet woes detailed above, the same mysterious culprit (presumably, although it could perhaps be a completely separate &/or unrelated issue) has completely broken Alfred’s ability to sync b/t my Macs via the previously viable & reliable method of storing Alfred’s prefs folder in Dropbox. As most of you can imagine, the totality of the carnage has (only temporarily, I still hold out hope) rendered Alfred completely useless/obsolete for me, which as most of you can also quite easily deduce is a major problem given the several dozen to HUNDREDS of times I invoke Alfred for so much of my core tasks & operations. I was surprised (& disheartened) to discover virtually no documentation describing the issues I am experiencing in either Alfred’s published guide or Tutorials, nor even in the troubleshooting pages, save for the cautions against iCloud or Google in lieu of Dropbox for reliable prefsync/in different machines/iterations of Alfred installed on them, & that is how I came to bestow upon you all this imminently unsolicited and apparently improbably unique dissertation of dilemma. The last thing I will add for now is that unfortunately the eventual culprit/solution as documented here for OP does not apply to my issue(s), as I have no entries of Alfred on any such similar (nor identical) fields or block lists, & also Spotlight is properly indexed for my machines/OS’s and is experiencing none of the problems in it’s search function (most specifically noted & tested in Application search queries, as that is what I use it for the vast majority of the time). In closing, I’ll save us all a bit of time by further mentioning that the issue does not appear to be caused by the “usual suspects” of Mojave & Catalina, they being the expanded Gatekeeper/SIP “quarantine” flags & Catalina’s more recent further hardening by way of the enhanced code signing restrictions & requirements. So I am truly stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am approx 40% through the tedious & antithetical workaround of rebuilding each iteration of Alfred from scratch, MANUALLY, via the humiliating copy/paste method (& via quite a bit of completely manual input, the very admission of which surely illustrates the depth of my desperation & the scope of impairment it has leveled upon me. (I can’t tell you how many times I’ve attempted to solve this conundrum via direct query upon Alfred’s search input field... but thankfully Alfred still can via his usage tracking, and thus the irony is not lost on either of us, lol)
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