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Posts posted by mlondon

  1. Hi,

    Due to a bug in the OS which has been around since 10.10, the "Reduce Transperency" setting in System Preferences>Accessability>Display does NOT stick.

    After awhile it reverts back to its default uncheck state.

    Rather than wait for a bug-fix which may never come, I'd settle for an Alfred Workflow, but I'm not skilled in the art and have no time.

    $10 in a tip jar is someone could please help!

    Would love to type RT and have the box checked.

    Thank you,


  2. 21 hours ago, deanishe said:

    Fair enough. This should do the job.


    I wonder if it's worth releasing properly…



    Thank you deanishe !!!


    Works perfectly. Yes, why don't you release to the community? 

    Happy to donate a little for your time.

    Also, as some installers use ZIP instead of DMG, perhaps a way to either accommodate for both DMG & ZIP or a separate workflow for ZIP.


  3. Hi, 


    Some basic questions regarding searching in Google with Alfred.


    - My main browser is Chrome. If I do a search with Chrome open, it creates a new tab with the search.

    However, if Chrome is not open, the Alfred opens Chrome, but does not pass the search to Chrome.  How can I get it to open a new tab and pass the search to Chrome?


    - Prefer not to have to type "Google" each time before launching a search. If I dont, AND there is no item on my local computer with a similar name, then the search automatically goes to Google, but if there is a local item with a similar name, it won't. Is there a way to set a shortcut or other quick way to tell Alfred that I want this to be a Google search, not a local one?


    Thank you...

  4. Hi, I'm a workflow newbie.


    As MS Word does not allow direct lookup using OS X's Dictionary, I want to make a workflow where I can highlight a word, press a hotkey, and have Alfred open Dictionary.app and paste the word in the search box.

    I was able to create a Hotkey with Action: Pass thru to workflow and Argument: Selection in OS X

    It then launches Dictionary, but I cant figure out how to paste the selected word.


    Much appreciated.

  5. Hi,

    I've been looking for a Workflow to allow me to send messages to a specific person using Messages.app

    I've searched extensively here and on Google, but the only thing that comes close that works in OS 10.11 is UniCall , but that just takes me to Messages with my target contact. I'm wondering if there is something more full featured that could, for example, attach a file to a mesage, or reply to an incoming message?

    Thank you...


  6. raguay.customct - You wrote

    "Just create a directory with just the info.plist file that you found in it. then add the ".alfredworkflow" to the directory name."




    By directory, do you mean folder?

    I tried renaming the folder, but that did nothing. I tried renaming the original workflow ZIP file .alfredworkflow, but while that gave it an Alfred icon, double-clicking on it did nothing. 


    Thank you....



    mlondon Please always direct workflow questions to the post itself. That way you have a better chance of both the developer and people that are familiar with the workflow to help you with issues. Opening a new post both pollutes the forum and lowers your chances.

    Vitor - apologies. I had reached out to the OP of the workflow, but no reply. Promise to reply to original post next time!

  7. Hi,

    Total newbie here.

    A forum member graciously posted a workflow to enter SKYPE DTMF codes to allow entering codes on a Skype call.



    However the workflow is in the format of  "info.plist"

    How can I convert this into an Alfred.workflow? 

    I have zero programming skills!


    Thank you,


  8. Thanks for this. Hugely helpful.
    A few clarifications/changes. 
    The "!" syntax is actually used for Flagging an Action.
    So if you just enter text as in "todo myaction" it will NOT be flagged
    But if you enter "todo myaction!" it will be flagged.
    Also, using one instance of # will create a DUE date, while two instances will create a START DATE and then a DUE Date
    So "myaction #today" creates a due date of today
    But "myaction #today #tomorrow" creates a start date of today and a due date of tomorrow.
    For clarity, I changed my subtext to:
    Flag! @Context ::Project #Due (#Start #Due) $Duration //Note
    Can someone point me to documentation which shows the complete lists of available syntaxs for OF? I searched on the Omni website, but could not find.

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