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Everything posted by nickvitale

  1. It it possible to make this output the following format; 2013-03-25 08-46 PM I'd like to insert "2013-03-25 08-46 PM" before the file name, I find it's better for sorting and finding files. I tried it myself, but I failed as it was in Automator and I have no coding skills whatsoever (even though one might argue Automator doesn't require any.) I have another extension I found from some one using bash to copy the date and time to the clipboard. I was able to modify that script for the above format. Since this is an automator action, I tried everything I could think of, I just fail in coding. If not, no worries, right now I just manually replace the filename or I save it correctly at the time of creation. I also use the current date and time, not the created date. Regardless, thanks, always appreciate new workflows.
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