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Posts posted by bigluck

  1. Hi everybody,
    I've updated my Sublime Text workflow; now you can find and open all your Sublime Text projects with the simple "sub" command.
    This update is compatible with both Sublime Text 2 and 3.


  2. Hi everybody,


    I've created and published an very simple workflow. It allow you to calculate a string hash in:

    - MD5 - md5 <string>

    - SHA1 - sha1 <string>

    - htpasswd (Apache) - htpasswd <string>

    - CRC32 - crc32 <string>

    - Whirlpool - whirlpool <string>


    You can also convert strings to/from base64:

    - Decode: base64_decode <string>

    - Encode: base64_encode <string>



    You can install this workflow from "alfpt install Hash" or downloading the .alfredworkflow file from: https://github.com/BigLuck/alfred2-hash/raw/master/Hash.alfredworkflow


    Here the github repository: https://github.com/BigLuck/alfred2-hash
  3. [moved to Feature Requests]


    Alfred treats individual sub-workflows in a workflow as completely independent entities, so Alfred will sort these items down to usage. I've moved this thread to Feature Requests to be considered (or solved otherwise) as I want to keep the bug forum as clean and focused as possible.


    Ok, but I think there's a bug here, becouse I've typed a hundred of "currency" request, and just a couple of "currency-set-from" and "currency-set-to" command requests.

    You could download and test this problem using the latest version of my workflow.



  4. Hi everybody,


    I think could be very useful preserve the configuration order on the query output.

    Here an simple example: in my workflow there are 4 script filters:

    - currency

    - currency-set-from

    - currency-set-to

    - currency-help




    but the final output list changed the order to:

    - currency-set-from

    - currency-set-to

    - currency-help

    - currency




  5. Great workflow! Thanks!


    However, I have a problem with it. When I use your workflow to open a Transmit favorite with folder names containing Cyrillic characters, they are displayed incorrectly. Could you make your workflow open favorites using UTF-8 encoding?


    I'm trying to fix this bug but is not easy. I'll keep you updated

  6. I've published a very simple Parallels Desktop workflow; you can list all your virtual machines and start/stop/suspend/resume/take a screenshot for each VM.





    The syntax is very simple: `prl <name>`



  7. Bigluck: Not sure if you are aware of this but the workflow will return multiple line items for a result if it is in the Transmit History as well. That's one of the reasons I had not tackled this one yet because I didn't feel like messing with that :) I guess you could move around that by.. as you find them, add them to an array but only after you check to see if another entry with the same server and username exist (maybe the same remote path too).


    Try out the last release, I've tried to remove the historical elements

  8. Hi everybody,


    I've created a simple but (i hope) useful currency converter; this workflow support simple and complex queries like:


    • currency € -- Current EUR/USD exchange
    • currency € £ -- Current EUR/GBP exchange
    • currency 12 € -- Convert 12 EUR to USD
    • currency 12€ £ -- Convert 12 EUR to GBP
    • currency 12 € £ -- Convert 12 EUR to GBP
    • currency 12 EUR £ -- Convert 12 EUR to GBP
    • currency 12 EUR to £ -- Convert 12 EUR to GBP
    • currency from 12 € to GBP -- Convert 12 EUR to GBP
    • currency to GBP from 3€ -- Convert 3 EUR to GBP
    • currency to GBP 3€ -- Convert 3 EUR to GBP


  9. PHP functions

    php {query}

    Shows function description in subtext, enter will bring you to php.net for full documentation.

    Download: http://cl.ly/MAba



    I've found a bug; test the get_class function name (or other functions that contain the "_" char):
    Your workflow try to open the http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.get_class.php web-page, but the right one is: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.get-class.php
  10. Hi everybody,
    I've published my first Alfred 2 workflow's; this basic workflow allow you to easly connect to your Transmit favorites.

    The syntax is very simple: `ftp <name>` when <name> could be:
    - favorite name in transmit
    - favorite username
    - favorite server
    - favorite remote path
    Here the github repository: https://github.com/BigLuck/alfred2-transmit
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