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Everything posted by perldork

  1. * Centralized repository for add-ons where add-on developers can publish and update their add-ons * Ability to search for add-ons from within Alfred UI * Ability to publish ( create or update or withdraw ) add-ons from the Alfred UI. The centralized repository would make it especially easy for users to discover community created add-ons and would encourage the growth of both the user and developer communities for this awesome software.
  2. Something like rubygems.org for Alfred would be terrific - if that were created we would get * Ability to search for workflows to add from the community *from* Alfred, similar to how add-on management works in Textmate or Sublime Text 2. *Ability to publish (create or update) a work flow from Alfred to the yet-to-be-created central repository . These features would make it easy for anyone with Alfred to manage add-ons, update, etc ... could even be a Powerpack feature if cost is an issue.
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