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Everything posted by Kelson01

  1. Ah - I use the kill button frequently in Keyboard Maestro when experimenting, building macros and especially when I mash my keyboard and trigger macros by accident.. Alfred's workflows are similar to that & I thought some users would like having the option incase they initiate a workflow they didn't intend to run.
  2. Noted. I'll experiment more tomorrow and see if I can get it to work. But I doubt it because I've already tried quite a bit before posting this. Thanks for the help! Happy new year!
  3. I didn't know about hierarchal view! Thank you! I assume the name of the process will be the name of the workflow that is running?
  4. Yeah I understand, it's very very impressive what he's been able to do. It's like making YouTube videos, there's always more ideas than there is time & some ideas are better than others. It wouldn't hurt to put on the list, though. Is there a way to easily tell what process is started by a workflow? Will it have a specific name? I'm only talking simple things here, like if I trigger something that opens a bunch of windows and I want it to stop for example.
  5. Okay that appears to do it. But why within Alfred it says 1 and not #1? This is what I used to get the result #1 in Keycodes: F14 = Numpad 1 F15 = Number 1 (as far as I can tell) There is literally no way to tell without Key Codes that Alfred is pressing numpad 1 when I press f14 And that doesn't change that when I'm trying to tell Alfred to dispatch a key combo (like Shift+CMD+Option+Numpad 4) Moom doesn't recognize the keystroke coming from Alfred and it does nothing. Is that because Alfred tells the frontmost app the key combo and doesn't tell a global application? Is there a way around that?
  6. I agree! And the one I use had a keyboard cover on it for 15 or so years and it's still blinding white. It matches the magic mouse I use - which is good for real work. I downloaded that the other day. I should have thought of that. First I pressed numpad 1 - second I pressed number 1. It appears to recognize the key just fine.
  7. My use case would be for creating workflows and messing around with different ways of having the workflow run. Instead of deleting the attachment to an object I could disable the block itself. Perhaps I want this feature because I frequently do this in Final Cut Pro when experimenting with versions of an edit. And in the screenshot I wanted to keep that url block attached (disabled) to be able to switch the command + y to the URL if the command + y stops working properly. It would save me time over having to remember that I'd have to use the history URL as an alternative to command + y. It's not that huge of a deal but I've recently been trying to optimize everything, and small optimizations tend to add up. Sorry of my question is a little out there! Thanks!
  8. I might just create a macro or script to insert what's on the clipboard to a note, I don't want to accidentally mess up Alfred and become one of those support requests (lol) - This would work for me because I always have like 15 notes windows open that are specifically resized by Moom because I'm insane.
  9. Do you think they'd consider adding a workflow utility or something similar that would do this? It would have uses for many Alfred users I think. Or would it not be practical?
  10. I've never ran into issues before, It's possible it's not recognizing the keypress from my keyboard as being on the numpad. I thought that was the system's job to tell it that but I don't know. The keyboard I use is the one Apple made in 2003 - I like how it types. I remember seeing a website that made the design in mechanical form for a more modern keyboard but I can't seem to find it. Anyway that's all I can think of because when I setup the hotkey trigger using my modifiers and any of the keys on the numpad it results in pressing the regular number key for whatever key I select and the same thing with manually telling it to use the numpad as I demonstrated in the screenshot above. That actually was a key combo action I think but it's the same for hotkey triggers too. I'm not sure, if nobody has an answer I'll just live with it and maybe someday it will fix itself.
  11. Would that be something they'd consider adding? I think it would be especially useful to quickly navigate within a workflow. Is there other ways to quickly navigate to specific parts of a workflow that are unsearchable things? Or am I able to search for specific "Run Script" blocks? Thanks!
  12. When I specifically select "Numpad 3" in Alfred for the "dispatch key combo", the output is not Numpad 3. It's supposed to be triggering a Moom window layout with ⌃⌥⇧⌘#3 but instead it outputs ⌃⌥⇧⌘3 and does not activate the Moom layout. As a workaround I made a multi action on my Stream Deck for it to trigger the workflow and then I have the Stream Deck output the key combo and the Stream Deck correctly outputs the ⌃⌥⇧⌘#3 keystroke. I suppose an Applescript would also be a suitable workaround for those without a Stream Deck. Am I doing something wrong?
  13. Sometimes I trigger a workflow by mistake that opens things/runs a script and I would like to stop it before it finishes. I don't expect to be able to undo what it opened, but to stop it before it finishes would be nice to do. Is there a way I can do this? Thanks!
  14. When I have a workflow with 30+ blocks in it that have notes on them, it becomes time consuming to locate each one manually (colorizing them helps - but). Am I able to search the notes that I've written on workflow objects?
  15. Okay! I'll save this and let you know what it does in a bit. Funnily enough I open about 50 new tabs daily and close about 50 old tabs. I consume a lot of content in order to learn as much as possible in a given amount of time. I've been trying my best, installing reading list extensions, adding bookmarks and watching videos at double speed... I've been working at making Alfred workflows to open groups of URLS and it's on my list to organize my bookmarks so I can put them in folders. Maybe there's an Alfred workflow to help manage this? Having a workflow that connects with a reading list chromium extension would be nice. Or a simpler workflow that allows you to add/remove links from it to act as a reading list within Alfred itself. OR both - I might need more than 1 workflow to have multiple reading lists!
  16. Do you think that's something that would be practical to add to Alfred? It may be helpful with experimenting when building workflows.
  17. Do you think an alternative alternative would be to bake in support for searching apple notes & allow you to add clipboard text to a specific note or selected text to note with a shortcut? It's similar but I doubt it will cause the same issues - Set a limit to how much text can be added at once so people can't crash their computer with a billion characters added to a note. Maybe these ideas aren't good ones, I don't know.
  18. There's a restart application workflow I just tried and Alfred quit itself but didn't restart itself lol
  19. Oh okay, I understand. Maybe a good alternative feature would be something similar to copying except it saved it to a permanent searchable database within Alfred. (much like clipboard history but amplified) - It would be made clear that this is for things you wish to save for later reference and not as a clipboard replacement because it would work differently. I could see something like that being added, it would be a good alternative to this and I would definitely use it. There's many times throughout the day when I see something and I know I might want to use it but I don't want to distract myself at that time... Speaking of being distracted there was 3 things I was doing before now and each of those things leads back to something else I wanted to do but I keep finding things and going down rabbit holes that lead to more things! If only I could have copied these things in a searchable database for later reference! I have like 400 tabs open because that forces me to look at things later because eventually those tabs need to be closed. Manually. Reading lists and watch laters never get looked at because there's so much competing for my attention. Clipboard history doesn't precisely work for this because it's not intended for this purpose, but searchable database would. Perhaps file actions for the feature could be "add to notes" and "create reminder" or "message to" "email to" that would be handy. Speaking of notes! I have a workflow that searches apple notes - but that is something that could be added right into Alfred and fit right in!
  20. I have a workflow that searches my brave history and displays it - Maybe it could use that as the history? I'm not sure, if it's too much it's too much. Perhaps it would be too much work just for a little convenience. Maybe I can search around some more. I've been trying to find more workflows - I already have hundreds but there's always more! Do you guys know of any more websites/githubs with libraries of workflows besides these ones? https://www.alfredworkflows.store/ http://www.packal.org/ I'm just after ANYTHING that can speed up non productive tasks. Anything I'd have to think about/do that can otherwise be automated frees up the brain to think of other, more important things. If I make little optimizations across everything I'd ever do I can get many times more work done in a given amount of time and that's always the goal, right? Thanks so much by the way! I've gotten to the point with Alfred that when I have to restart it (very rarely) my brain short circuits and I'm like: Can't...launch...Alfred...with...Alfred.
  21. I'm making a workflow for my commonly used websites & adding action modifiers to them so I can open website, open website in new window & so on. Sometimes I come across something in the workflow I want to disable but leave connected to the rest of the workflow. This is because I'm building multiple individual workflows within this single one and It would make managing it simpler. I don't know if what I'm doing is even the best way to do it. But so far this is what I've found to work. I use the key combo object so I can more easily tell which workflow it is because having a note on every single one would not speed things up. I also noticed that it seems to open my history faster than an open url object or having the script do it. But I could be imagining it. Am I correct in calling the blocks of a workflow a workflow object? And for the sake of accuracy when describing parts of a workflow that are apart from each other what term should I use to describe it? In short: I want to be able to leave a block attached to a workflow, not have to modify it, and have the workflow ignore that string. Thanks!
  22. If at all possible - Or one that uses your own history and spits back the results identically to a browser. I do my best to search the web exclusively with Alfred so it forces me to save time. I'm trying to see if there is a workflow that behaves like the browser's own search bar. I'm sure something like that must exist I'm just not looking in the right places. Thanks!
  23. Oh okay, that seems odd. Is there many of those built into MacOS? Is there a way around that so snippets would work? Or a paste action using a different shortcut? Thanks!
  24. Select some text on your mac + right click > services > summarize + [shift + command + s] (to save as) If you select text right click go to services and select summarize it opens up a summarize app built into macos. On my mac running Big Sur 11.6 using the most up to date version of Alfred (4.6.1) typing a snippet makes the sound indicating "it works" but leaves the area blank. I replied several hours ago but it never went through - sorry.
  25. Can I add a keyboard shortcut to "Edit Note" in Alfred Preferences? It's not in the menu bar as far as I can tell.
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