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Posts posted by hb1

  1. On 5/19/2022 at 11:51 AM, vitor said:


    If you delete it, the Workflow will likely start working again.


    But try just rebooting, first.


    Please let me know the results, because even if it’s fixed by rebooting or removing, it’ll be a clue.


    Removing the terminal customizations solved it. It was actually in zshenv, I forgot Catalina changed that by making zsh the default shell and zshenv is one of the start-up files.


    The workflow was working fine with all these settings for quite a while, but whatever. I'm going to file this under "Be happy it's working and don't ask any questions." 

  2. 58 minutes ago, vitor said:

    It’s what’s messing the output. In which file did you set it up, and what’s the code?


    Ah, it been set like what for a while and the workflow was fine. Do you need me to change/delete it for the debugger output?


    It's just .zshrc and .bash_profile


    in zhsrc to customize the shell prompt


    export PS1=">> "

    and in .bash_profile


    echo "Hi, Holden."
    export PATH=$PATH:/Users/holden/.npm-packages/bin

  3. 49 minutes ago, vitor said:


    What exactly does that mean? What are you doing and what is happening (including debugger output)?


    Nothing is returning in the UI. Looking at the debugger, it appears it is finding the files? (I am just copying a snippet here because the log is very long)


    [16:30:08.144] Google Drive[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'commerce plan'

    [16:30:08.279] Google Drive[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'commerce plann'

    [16:30:08.481] Google Drive[Script Filter] Script with argv 'commerce plann' finished

    [16:30:08.481] Google Drive[Script Filter] Hi, Holden.

    {"items":[{"uid":"/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Working/Commerce Planning v2.key","type":"file","title":"Commerce Planning v2.key","subtitle":"/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Working/Commerce Planning v2.key","icon":{"path":"/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Working/Commerce Planning v2.key","type":"fileicon"},"arg":"/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Working/Commerce Planning v2.key"},


    In the middle of it it does return this error, 


    [16:30:08.496] ERROR: Google Drive[Script Filter] JSON error: JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set. around line 1, column 0. in JSON:

    Hi, Holden.


    and then continues with a list


    {"items":[{"uid":"/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Working/Commerce Planning v2.key","type":"file","title":"Commerce Planning v2.key","subtitle":"/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Working/Commerce Planning v2.key","icon":{"path":"/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Working/Commerce Planning v2.key","type":"fileicon"}



  4. Still love this workflow, unfortunately, it stopped working for me recently. Tried a couple of different drive paths from the original (including another drive account) and did the usual (restart Google Drive), unfortunately nothing worked. Please let me know if you need any other information than the below.


    Hi, Holden.
    ### Workflow version

    ### Alfred version

    ### macOS version

    ### Architecture

    ### Workflow environment variables
    Dict {
        ignore_list = 
        result_limit = 50
        auto_refresh = 1
        google_drive_path = /Volumes/GoogleDrive

    ### Full Disk Access

    ### Google drive paths
    Exists: /Volumes/GoogleDrive
    47033 paths

    ### Cache dir

    ### Cache file
    16777221 71658950 -rw-r--r-- 1 holden staff 0 10579968 "May 17 15:28:50 2022" "May 17 15:28:46 2022" "May 17 15:28:46 2022" "May 17 15:26:26 2022" 4096 22656 0 /Users/holden/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.googledrive/cache.db

    ### Temporary cache
    Does NOT exist

    ### Build progress
    NOT running

    ### Launchd job
    Loaded: -    0    com.alfredapp.googledrive

  5. I paid for a Powerpack and signed up for this forum just to say thank you for releasing this. I'd be manually running the terminal command for months until recent releases couldn't even force Spotlight to index Google Drive.


    This has drastically improved my day to day. I was spending so much time trying to reset search, find files I need to be effective at work, find files I need for personal reasons - it's baffling Google screwed this up when their old product worked, but whatever. Thank you, again for this.

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