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Posts posted by goofansu

  1. 3 hours ago, vitor said:

    The Arc browser does not implement the necessary AppleScript support. That is something which needs to be addressed from their side. It should be possible, seeing as they’re a Chromium-based browser. Once (if) they make it available (and assuming they don’t change the dictionary) it will work automatically.


    Thank you for the advice. I'll just skip the automation task and just use the page title at the moment.

  2. One step in my workflow is using the Automation Task "Run JavaScript in Chromium Browser Tab" to fetch specified text as page title. It works correctly in Google Chrome,  but fails in the Arc browser.


    The problem is the output of the Automation Task is always an empty string, regardless of the JavaScript it executes.

    For example, the JavaScript is document.getElementById('productTitle').innerText to get the product title on an amazon product page. In Google Chrome, the output is the title returned by the code, but in Arc browser it is an empty string.


    Automation Task



    Debug information

    For the product page: https://www.amazon.com/How-Take-Smart-Notes-Technique-ebook/dp/B09V5M8FR5


    Arc browser

    [00:10:05.828] Markdown[Automation Task] Running task 'Run JavaScript in Chromium Browser Tab' with no arguments
    [00:10:05.992] Markdown[Automation Task] Processing complete
    [00:10:05.994] Markdown[Automation Task] Passing output '' to Arg and Vars
    [00:10:05.997] Markdown[Arg and Vars] Processing complete
    [00:10:05.998] Markdown[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Copy to Clipboard

    I also tested the with alert(document.getElementById('productTitle').innerText), it runs and alert the title, so the title is there, but seems cannot set to output.


    Google Chrome

    [00:13:05.706] Markdown[Automation Task] Running task 'Run JavaScript in Chromium Browser Tab' with no arguments
    [00:13:05.916] Markdown[Automation Task] Processing complete
    [00:13:05.917] Markdown[Automation Task] Passing output 'How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking ' to Arg and Vars
    [00:13:05.918] Markdown[Arg and Vars] Processing complete
    [00:13:05.918] Markdown[Arg and Vars] Passing output 'How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking ' to Copy to Clipboard


    Tell me if you need more information, thanks.


    ==== update 2023-01-13 ====

    The automation works correctly in Arc Browser.


  3. Hi, there is something wrong after delete an item from faves list.


    When add to favorite without delete any item, favorites.json is like following:




    After you delete an item from faves list, favorites.json is like following: 




    Then, when I delete an item, it cannot match any item in my favs list and delete nothing.

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